Arizona Chickens


My DS, Hot Wing Stables, shows modern games and OEGB for 4-H. They have the best personalities. They love to talk to us, they jump on the ledge of their pen, so we will pick them up and tell them how beautiful they are. They are my favorite of all of our birds.

I think you just need to be careful when you dub the roosters, as to who might be around to see. I was told that if you have proof that you are in 4-H, a member of the APA or ABA, and that dubbing is a requirement for showing the birds, you should not have any problems. At least that is what we are counting on.

As for summer, my flock did pretty well last year. They are in an enclosed stable which is covered, and has a lot of ventilation. We would put a mister in the pen and the chickens would walk through the mist, or take their dirt bath in the wet sand. We just made sure there was a lot of water.

Have fun with the site!!

Angie, yes they are so friendly. My pullets especially run up and try to climb on my lap. I have a couple that will walk up your arm and sit on your shoulder. All of mine were also hand raised and tortured with love since they were hatched. All my roosters are very friendly also except for one I call Kujo. He's the nastiest little sucker I've ever seen. He's like a little dog thinking it's a Great Dane sized guard dog. He hits and bites me (and has started chasing my legs now) every chance he feels. It's all a big game for him.

I've been in FFA when I was in school, and I haven't gotten my ABA info yet. Payment just went through. So yeah. My birds are dubbed elsewhere, wouldn't want to freak the neighbors out or anything. Hehe.

If there is ever any question about it either, I shall whip out my APA and ABA Standard of Perfection books and flip right to the page and point where it says to dub.
I'm a Prescottonian, preparing for possible poultry participation. Yes, I worked on that.

I have a small yard, and it's uneven, but it doesn't get quite as hot as it does down in Phoenix, Tucson - thank God.

Any suggestions for breeds? Some to avoid? Some recommended?

I'm thinking of just 3-5 hens; the backyard is enclosed, but we do have a cat next door that teases our dog regularly, an occasional javelina or coyote finds their way into our yard (if the gate isn't securely closed), skunks, and who knows what else.

Personally, I'd love some Barred and White Rocks, and a Rhode Island Red.

Thanks in advance!
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If you are looking for egg layers, the rocks and rhode island reds are what you want. Buff orpingtons and Easter eggers (americauna) are great choices, too. I have never had any, but I have heard that white leghorns are great layers, but can be loud and flighty.

Be sure you have a predator safe place for your girls. I think the cat will be scared of the chickens, but the dogs, coyotes, and javelinas will have them for supper. Also, chickens can get over a 6 foot fence, so if your fence is lower than that, you may want to put them in an enclosure.

We have our chickens in an enclosed stable, with a solid wall around the bottom half, and chicken wire around the top half, to keep other birds out, and to give them a lot of ventilation. So far, the only predators have have made it into the pen, snakes, squirrel and mice, get out of there fast when the chickens gang up on them and scare them until they make their escape.

You'll love any hens you get. They are very fun to watch and all have different personalities. Some announce it to the whole flock when they lay an egg, others don't make a peep. I have a RIR, Penny, who will peck at you until you pay attention to her and then she runs away. You turn your back to her and she pecks and runs away again. I haven't quite figured that one out, yet.

They are also stress relievers. If I am mad or upset about something, I go into the pen and within 10 minutes, I'm calm & ready to handle whatever is thrown at me.

Good luck in making your decision on what kind of layers to get, and have fun with them!

Oh, and by the way
Hi xxmrsbellxx!

Unfortunately, I don't know of any hatcheries close to us. Our feed stores order baby chicks in the spring, so that is where we get ours.

I love tombstone! I haven't been there in a couple of years, it is time for another visit.

Good luck in finding a hatchery. If you do find one, will you please let us know?


Most of my DS showbirds are in separate pens with sheets over the doors to keep some of the wind off of them. There are 2 birds per pen, so you know they will be snuggling together.

I do have 2 MGB's in a kennel that have a heat lamp pointing at them. They are so little, I worry that they will get too cold.

The other chickens, 12 of them, are on the two perches, so I am hoping that the heat they put out will keep them warm. They will just have to snuggle closer.

It is the wind I worry about. They are in an enclosed stable, 6ft solid walls with chicken wire up to the roof, so they do get some wind in their pen. Luckily, their perches are between one of the pens and the wall, so they get a wind break. Otherwise I'd be worried that they would get blown off the perches.

I've got 30some mutts in the bator on day 19 right now. There should be some GLW/SLW cross, GLW/GLW, GLW/BO, BO/GLW, BO, BO/EE, well . . . . you get the picture. I have no idea what we'll do with them if they all hatch out. If anybody is interested, let us know. We'll keep them around unti we figure out where they are going.
We got snow and rain yesterday. Just cold and windy tonight so far. The chickens have a nice insulated coop and I closed the windward windows tonight to keep them dry.
gckiddhouse, I'm not sure that website is updated. I see it has been under construction since 2001?
If you find out differently, let us know.

azelgin, you'll have to let us know if you have any extra after your hatch. I have no idea where you live, but it could be a neat roadtrip?


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