One month old chick lethargic.


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2024
Hi, chicken lovers. I’m new to the forum and love reading posts. But now I’m needing help with a chick I bought from Rural King. I’ll add my chicken back story at the end. My main problem is randomly my one month old white leghorn is very lethargic and wants to die. I’ve tried the sugar water thing, always keep their area fresh with new bedding, fresh water, food, etc. The other three are fine, but today one is just… dying. Idk what I’ve done wrong. Her poop is like a mustardy color. She drinks water, but won’t eat anything. I tried crushing the crumble to make it even smaller, but she’s not interested.

Bit of a back story. I currently have two hens and a rooster that I rescued from a dog that took out their flock mates. That was last year and those three are thriving. So I decided to get more (because chicken math)
I bought 6 chicks from Rural King (that’s where the big ones I have were purchased, and I thought why not). Four were Amerucana and two White Leghorns. Within hours, one chick died. I went back and got a replacement chick, labeled a Blue Bell. Then 2 more of the Amerucauna chicks died. So I just have four. One Amerucauna (I think she’s just an EE), one Blue Bell and two White Leghorn. Three weeks go by, no incident. The White Leghorns have tried to escape their enclosure (I have a two foot tall box that’s four foot long for them) but no one was hurt. I’m at a loss on what to do. I’ve just been holding her and waking her up when she starts acting like she’s quitting on me. Help!!


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I think she is going to make it! I gave her electrolytes and probiotics and kept waking her up every time she would start to fall over. She’s a tiny bit smaller than a chicken from the same bunch (only got two white leghorns) but she’s just fine and thriving!! Thank goodness!!
Just had to come back and update. The sick chick is now 9 weeks old, and she is such a rambunctious troublemaker!! We named her Angel when she got sick, but she’s far from an Angel now!! She is first to jump out of the brooder box, first to push the other chicks out of her way when outside during run time. Thank you to all the suggestions, on and off this thread! I’m so grateful for this forum!!

In the pictures she’s the White Leghorn on the end in both pictures. She a wee bit smaller than her sister, but golly she is squirrelly!!


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