Arizona Chickens

Hey Mikey,

Didn't know you need to be vaccinated for them chickies!
I myself would be vacillating since I do not care for needles.

Edited by Chris...just to help out

Thanks Chris - I've not been feeling well lately and I guess I needed a shot!

You are welcome. Hope you feel better soon. I was sick for 3 weeks with a cold and sinus infection.
OK, I took a couple of pics but I'm having trouble getting photos to go anywhere at all. My FTP server isn't responding and the BYC uploader keeps stalling out on me. If you want, you can PM me an email address or you can email my username at gmail. (Maybe this is a good excuse to get a new computer!)
Thanks Chris - I've not been feeling well lately and I guess I needed a shot!

You are welcome. Hope you feel better soon. I was sick for 3 weeks with a cold and sinus infection.

NOOOOO! not 3 weeks! i am on the end of week 2 with the very same and can't quite kick it, even with the antibiotics on board. guess i'll go back to the doc on monday....
You are welcome. Hope you feel better soon. I was sick for 3 weeks with a cold and sinus infection.

NOOOOO! not 3 weeks! i am on the end of week 2 with the very same and can't quite kick it, even with the antibiotics on board. guess i'll go back to the doc on monday....

I'm hoping this will be a short one.

I'm past the sore throat and the fuzzy head stages and up to the coughing up yuck stage.

I hope you feel bester soonest Noel!
In a word: Delicious. I made him into soup, and it was very, very rich and flavorful and chicken-y. The meat was very tender as well, I think that I could have baked him or made him into fried chicken no problem, but I wanted to get all the use I could out of that lovely dark meat. The breast was a little bit on the small side, which I didn't think was a problem, because I don't like white meat as much. If I remember correctly, he dressed out at just a hair over seven pounds.

I raised some Cornish X last year, and while the meat was better than store bought chicken, it wasn't *that* much better. The Red Broiler, on the other hand, was fabulous.
So's I goes outside this morning...

(end of morning as I slept in late)

... and the minor weep from the chicken water-er fitting has turned into t 2-1/2 food diameter puddle.


I wanted to hard plumb the 1/8" copper directly to the 3/4" copper.

Three hardware stores & one plumbing supply said "You can't get there from here"

THAT sounds like a challenge to me!

So I made my own darn bushing!

...tell me I can't do something...

No more leak - no potential leaky compression fitting.

*** yeah, like I could make a post this long & get everything right the first time...***
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WHere's the "Like" button?

FWIW, I do not vaccinate. Not completely opposed, just never have (except my kiddos--they got most of what was recommended. I made a few deliberate exceptions).
For those of you in the Phoenix area who were interested in Dr. Anderson (Mesa) and the de-crowing procedure, we called today and he isn't accepting any new patients. None.
So no dice for us. Maybe someone else will have luck, or he will have more time available in the future?

We are going to have to take our roo to Dr. Babcock (at Palo Verde Animal Hosp), who does a different procedure with a 1 in 10 mortality rate, and some % where they still can crow, but it's squeaky. And it costs more. BIG WAAAH.

We have our boy scheduled for Monday morning, because we have to get it done if we are going to keep him.

Anyone have any other ideas or advice?
Picked up my roo from Dr. Anderson's office this morning.

He looks like he's been through the war, but still alive... a little timid maybe, but he hasn't let out a peep yet.

I gave him the meds that the Dr. gave me to put into his water. He didn't eat much. Tomorrow I'm scrambling him some eggs. I don't dare put him back with the girls yet.

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