Arizona Chickens

John, I bet that bird someones pet that got loose. You may be able to get her to come to you with food in hand. I had one once that just flew down and made himself a home with us.
Hey so does anyone else here in Arizona have Dixie Rainbows? They are huge after only 4 months and while I will never be allowed to eat them, anything we feed on our property becomes part of the family, they look really delicious. I am just wondering about the eggs...I have heard that they produce XL Brown eggs and they are great. I can't wait! BTW...I know that the eggs will be fresh and organic and all that because we control what the chickens eat but are there foods that are better for egg quality and taste? Just wondering...I have never given this much thought to an omlet in my life. LOL


I checked on White Tip this morning. She laid an egg this morning and it was sitting on the drain. I cleaned out the shower for her, soaked her feet in epsom salt solution for about 45 min. Slathered a lot of neosporin on each foot. Wrapped both of her feet back up. Gave her another shot of penicillin. Now, that was earlier today. I just went to check on her again...and saw ANOTHER egg that she laid! Two eggs in one day? WOW!

I checked on White Tip at about 11 pm last night. No egg. So she had to have laid the first one early this morning. And laid another this afternoon (before 2:30 pm). I never heard of chickens laying two eggs in one day...
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I checked on White Tip this morning. She laid an egg this morning and it was sitting on the drain. I cleaned out the shower for her, soaked her feet in epsom salt solution for about 45 min. Slathered a lot of neosporin on each foot. Wrapped both of her feet back up. Gave her another shot of penicillin. Now, that was earlier today. I just went to check on her again...and saw ANOTHER egg that she laid! Two eggs in one day? WOW!

I checked on White Tip at about 11 pm last night. No egg. So she had to have laid the first one early this morning. And laid another this afternoon. I never heard of chickens laying two eggs in one day...
Wow is right!

Maybe I should put our cluckers in the shower...

Ohhhh Taaaaaammyyyyyyy....
I have not heard of cockatiels making it in the wild here. If you don't want it I know a lady in Tolleson that would take it & find it a good home. Kelly

I hope someone is on to inform me. I have only lived in Az for less then a year and have never seen a while cockatiel, where i am. Are there wild one out here in the pheonix/surprise area? There is a female cockatiel in my coop atm.
I agree, that is a pet that someone lost. I used to have one. They are not in the wild around here. I would catch it. It is so easy to loose those guys because they can fly great even with their wings clipped. I lost mine once that way. I bet someone is looking for him. They are sweet birds.

Here is a lost listing I found, they can travel a long ways:
Chandler, Arizona . . . Peaches


Peaches is a female cockatiel grey in color with white streaks on her wings, yellow face and crown, and peach cheeks. She is a sweet, social bird and my seven year old twins miss her very much. We live in Ashley Park on the SWC of Ray and Cooper which is where she was lost. Please call 480.885.4010 if you find her. Thank you! [email protected]

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Another stupid newbie question, since I had an incident with the dog this morning and I'm not a very confident vet stand-in.... How, exactly do you soak a chicken's foot (or any other part for that matter) for 45 minutes?? I can't even get a bandage on my dog.... The image of me giving a chicken a foot soak is making me laugh out loud and scrap the whole idea of chickens all at the same time.
Another stupid newbie question, since I had an incident with the dog this morning and I'm not a very confident vet stand-in.... How, exactly do you soak a chicken's foot (or any other part for that matter) for 45 minutes?? I can't even get a bandage on my dog.... The image of me giving a chicken a foot soak is making me laugh out loud and scrap the whole idea of chickens all at the same time.
Oh, umm... I just filled a large salad bowl with warm water about 3 1/2 inches deep (enough for the entire swollen section to be submerged when the chicken stands). Then I put the salad bowl between my legs (to hold it) on the couch and put the chicken in the water. She insisted on standing the whole time. I just watched some tv while I held her (hands wrapped around her back/wings/breast). The salad bowl had high walls, so she couldn't back up without bumping her tail into the side of the bowl. She was a trooper, she didn't fuss too much with me. I think it is because the water made her feet feel nice, and she relaxed. I think she liked watching tv with me too. I think she liked my taste in tv shows
Ohhhhh my.... Maybe they are better patients than dogs! Thanks for painting that picture -- y'all are sure to get lots of stupid newbie questions from me once I get started! I'm not sure how the hubby is going to react if he ever walks into the house to find me watching TV with a chicken in a salad bowl on my lap!

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