Arizona Chickens

Ohhhhh my.... Maybe they are better patients than dogs! Thanks for painting that picture -- y'all are sure to get lots of stupid newbie questions from me once I get started! I'm not sure how the hubby is going to react if he ever walks into the house to find me watching TV with a chicken in a salad bowl on my lap!
Maybe he will end up like my husband... he says "??? *shakes his head at me* I dunno, I just live least I did, but now I think the chickens do."
Another stupid newbie question, since I had an incident with the dog this morning and I'm not a very confident vet stand-in.... How, exactly do you soak a chicken's foot (or any other part for that matter) for 45 minutes?? I can't even get a bandage on my dog.... The image of me giving a chicken a foot soak is making me laugh out loud and scrap the whole idea of chickens all at the same time.
There are no stupid questions. Only stu....

In my limited experience the cluckers are very amiable to most treatments. Even shots.

Hoppy pretty much likes standing in the sink.

Last week we went to Homer's and on the way Tammy asked, is there still a chicken in the sink.

Yup there was, & she was still standing there when we got back!
There are no stupid questions. Only stu....

In my limited experience the cluckers are very amiable to most treatments. Even shots.


Exactly, which is why I call it a "stupid newbie" question as opposed to a stupid question! I should use "quotes" more "often" to "clarify" what I'm trying to "say...."

Good to know they can be easy patients. My dog is "easy" until you want to mess with his boo boos, then he kicks. Glad I made someone other than myself laugh today.
Question...I have an Araucana young teen, not laying yet. Her top beak curves down only at the tip so the bottom beak hits the tip when she tries to close it and it won't shut or come together like it should. What can I do? I will not put her down. She eats fine out of a deep bowl filled with crumbles but cannot pick things up off the ground because of the tip being curved. She is big and healthy otherwise. Should I take her to a vet to get her beak trimmed? Someone said to me that Dr. Driggers see's birds and chickens. I know parrots beaks can be trimmed so I was thinking maybe hers can too. Any ideas?
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You can trim the beak with a dog nail clipper. I haven't personally done it but I read a few threads on here of people doing that for a curved or deformed beak. Just do a little at a time and she should be fine.
You can trim the beak with a dog nail clipper. I haven't personally done it but I read a few threads on here of people doing that for a curved or deformed beak. Just do a little at a time and she should be fine.
Very simple. I use regular fingernail clippers. Either hold the beak closed, or put a finger in it to keep it open and the tongue back out of the way. Trim off the excess beak---you should be able to see the quick pretty easily, and so long as you don't cut into it she will be fine. If you do, it will bleed and be tender.
I've been on vacation for a week so am really behind on reading posts. The chickens all did well under our neighbors care! This morning though, one of the babies (now about 7 weeks old is shaking her head and cleaning her feathers a lot (not in a normal chicken way). She's also moving a bit slower and didn't try to leave my hands when I was holding her and checking her wings and head. Could it be a bug, any ideas for what to do? I looked around her head and what I could see under her feathers and didn't see anything unusual. Please help!
Its been a while since my last post, and on BYC. (Sorry If this becomes a repost)
How is everyone?

Just a few questions; I've tried to get Refurbished Lumber build another coop (lumber from my neighbor) But none are straight and are big enough to support a roof.
Anyone know any cheap deals on Lumber? I'm in Apache Junction area.

ALSO, Found 4 mice and 3 squirrels in my coop happily enjoying a meal alongside my Large chickens. But when they venture into my closed off section where I keep my bantams, the mice and squirrels get attacked. No one attacks the birds feasting on feed though. So I'm looking for hard wire cloth with small enough openings to keep mice and small birds out.
My coop is 6' x8" and I am making a 5' x 5' extension run for the Bantams. My large chickens have caused too much damage to the bantams for them to coexist.
Shoppers has decent prices on hard wire cloth, but nothing big enough to fit the coop unless I add more beams. Suggestions?

Thank you!

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