Arizona Chickens

Does anyone on here know if chickens might get Allergies in Phoenix? It sounds weird but one of my hens acts like she has allergies.

Not that I have ever noticed.

If you are dealing with sneezes, mucus or swollen eyes, it probably would best to separate her from the others. There are several respiratory ailments chickens can get and I think they are all communicable (to the rest of your flock....not you). Oxine in a mister/humidifier works wonders for resp stuff, and might just nip it in the bud. Tylan or Denagard are both really good abx for resp infections.

Post the symptoms. Lots of informed folks on this thread. Someone will probably know what it is and how to treat it.
Not that I have ever noticed.

If you are dealing with sneezes, mucus or swollen eyes, it probably would best to separate her from the others. There are several respiratory ailments chickens can get and I think they are all communicable (to the rest of your flock....not you). Oxine in a mister/humidifier works wonders for resp stuff, and might just nip it in the bud. Tylan or Denagard are both really good abx for resp infections.

Post the symptoms. Lots of informed folks on this thread. Someone will probably know what it is and how to treat it.
Glad I read one gal sounds like she has a stuffy nose and and sneezing this morning. Gave her Poly-vi-sol this morning and will have to get the oxine going. Poor thing sounds like me in the morning!! Maybe she and I both need to be misted!! LOL
Well I guess Queen Blue Bell was just in a bad mood the day she bit me for last night after getting a quick run about loose with the turklets she let me hug and mush on her some.

Ok, I have to sell a phoenix bantam hen. I'm here in Vail (actually, I'm a ways down Highway 83, about five miles from i10) and since her rooster died, and my little brother wants to get into polish instead, I'm selling her for $20 OBO. Thanks a bunch! She is Show quality, has won ribbons, and is about 1.5 years old. Her wings are clipped but I could pull the feathers so that new ones can grow.

Just pictures to share to give you a awww moment. Standard Poo pups are now 1.5 weeks old and the little one in Les' arm is a puppy that we call Tiny Tail {T.T.},for she was born with a tail 1/4 the size it should be. In the group picture you can see the tail with her in the middle of the puppy pile. You can note the black pups normal but already docked tail. When she grows up she may just end up with a button for a tail!

Ok I thought it might be just never had them before in my birds. Did I take the correct steps? Did the mites make the two sick?
a while back I was look at a old forum...
Who ever posted it took photos of the little buggers...
Awful... To get rid of if it is the same.. I believe
It was Gallo del cielo that had the photos..and
explanation of there habitat... I did look for it, but
have not had time to be on like I did before..
Hope you figure it out..
Oh Thank you!

I have a question. I found one of the young cocks weak and staggering around a couple of days ago. Sence we have had a storm I thought he was hurt during it so being that it was a cock I just put him down. Now this evening another one of the young cocks was weak and staggering and really worse off then the other one was. When examining him I found he had these little red bugs all over him, on the skin! No it wasn't ants but sure were the size of those really small ants. The bugs seemed a little lacy looking also. I check all the others that was in that coop with him and didn't see anything else. What the heck is it? I did rake out all the coops and put down a thick layer of that DE. No one else seems sick. I am just happy it was cocks and not any of the hens!
One of my girls had the little red mites. I used poultry dust on her and that seemed to do the trick. Recently I noticed one of my EE's looking ragged around the vent area and on both sides of her comb. She had eggs attached to the base of her feathers. ( She stopped laying as well) I bathed her in coconut shampoo ( vet said that was good to do) and then the next day I powdered her with the poultry dust. I retreated the next week and her feathers are growing back and she is interested inlaying again. I do need to bathe and dust again this week as some of the eggs refuse to come off the shaft of her feathers. Just a precaution as I am sure the water killed off the mites eggs.

The mites will kill a chicken if not treated. This is what I did to treat my hen. I am sure others have different remedies.

One of my girls had the little red mites. I used poultry dust on her and that seemed to do the trick. Recently I noticed one of my EE's looking ragged around the vent area and on both sides of her comb. She had eggs attached to the base of her feathers. ( She stopped laying as well) I bathed her in coconut shampoo ( vet said that was good to do) and then the next day I powdered her with the poultry dust. I retreated the next week and her feathers are growing back and she is interested inlaying again. I do need to bathe and dust again this week as some of the eggs refuse to come off the shaft of her feathers. Just a precaution as I am sure the water killed off the mites eggs.

The mites will kill a chicken if not treated. This is what I did to treat my hen. I am sure others have different remedies.

Mama Hen Chris, how do you think mites got into your flock? I'm very curious. Also, are you sure pic is of mites and not lice? The eggs on the feather shaft in the pic looks like lice to me. I have to say though, I have absolutely no experience with them. I've only seen them in pics. Does it even make a difference in treatment, whether they are lice or mites? Won't poultry dust get both? I'm just curious about this since I checked my birds for lice and mites today. I didn't find anything but it made me wonder.
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Mama Hen Chris, how do you think mites got into your flock? I'm very curious. Also, are you sure pic is of mites and not lice? The eggs on the feather shaft in the pic looks like lice to me. I have to say though, I have absolutely no experience with them. I've only seen them in pics. Does it even make a difference in treatment, whether they are lice or mites? Won't poultry dust get both? I'm just curious about this since I checked my birds for lice and mites today. I didn't find anything but it made me wonder.

We do have pigeons, doves and sparrows hang out on our shed and chicken grass area as our next door neighbor has lots of bird feeders near our common block wall. I am guessing this is how she picked them up.

I think the treatment would be the same. Poultry dust works on both. Bathing them would drown any "buggers" that you may not see when checking as they do move very fast. That is why I chose to bathe just as a precaution but I do dust my girls when I see one with an issue. Mites I believe can also live in cracks in the coop walls/roosts and at night go "feeding" on sleeping chickens. I have my roosts on joist hangers so there is no wood touching each other. I am able to take my roosts outside and hose them down and let dry in the sun. ( My roosts have indoor/outdoor carpet on them)

We do have pigeons, doves and sparrows hang out on our shed and chicken grass area as our next door neighbor has lots of bird feeders near our common block wall. I am guessing this is how she picked them up.

I think the treatment would be the same. Poultry dust works on both. Bathing them would drown any "buggers" that you may not see when checking as they do move very fast. That is why I chose to bathe just as a precaution but I do dust my girls when I see one with an issue. Mites I believe can also live in cracks in the coop walls/roosts and at night go "feeding" on sleeping chickens. I have my roosts on joist hangers so there is no wood touching each other. I am able to take my roosts outside and hose them down and let dry in the sun. ( My roosts have indoor/outdoor carpet on them)
Oh boy, wild birds. I wondered how specific they were, I guess not too much. Your roost system sounds awesome.

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