Arizona Chickens

I let my girls out when I get home from work everyday and today wasn't any different. I went inside to start cooking dinner and I hear 2 of my girls singing what sounded like the egg song. They wouldn't stop so I went outside to see what was going on. I look up and in the neighbors tree is a hawk.
My heart is pounding as my girls were all over the backyard. I see Wilma's feathers in the grass and hubby just happens to come outside. I said hawk in the tree and I think it has Wilma. I am shooing all the girls in the run and we do a headcount. Then the hawk drops what it had and it lands in the neighbors yard. Hubby investigates and it has a pigeon. I find Wilma in the side yard and everyone is accounted for. Grabbed my camera and here are a couple pics.

What a way to start my evening.

Looking for it's dinner it dropped

Found it's dinner...gave me the evil eye. Snapped the pic and got out of it's sight.

I let my girls out when I get home from work everyday and today wasn't any different. I went inside to start cooking dinner and I hear 2 of my girls singing what sounded like the egg song. They wouldn't stop so I went outside to see what was going on. I look up and in the neighbors tree is a hawk.
My heart is pounding as my girls were all over the backyard. I see Wilma's feathers in the grass and hubby just happens to come outside. I said hawk in the tree and I think it has Wilma. I am shooing all the girls in the run and we do a headcount. Then the hawk drops what it had and it lands in the neighbors yard. Hubby investigates and it has a pigeon. I find Wilma in the side yard and everyone is accounted for. Grabbed my camera and here are a couple pics.

What a way to start my evening.

Looking for it's dinner it dropped

Found it's dinner...gave me the evil eye. Snapped the pic and got out of it's sight.

Oh my gosh, I had one of those drop in on my girls today, too! Landed right in the middle of the four of them. They started screaming and squawking, feathers were flying, I went running, and it flew off. It was small like that, too. I was very surprised that it would try to mess with standard sized chickens, and equally surprised that it would do that with me only 25 feet away.

I'm so glad yours were unharmed. It must have been very scary to not be able to find Wilma.
Oh my gosh, I had one of those drop in on my girls today, too! Landed right in the middle of the four of them. They started screaming and squawking, feathers were flying, I went running, and it flew off. It was small like that, too. I was very surprised that it would try to mess with standard sized chickens, and equally surprised that it would do that with me only 25 feet away.

I'm so glad yours were unharmed. It must have been very scary to not be able to find Wilma.
Thanks... gave me a fright not to find her right away. She got a nice hug when I tucked them in tonight. Just glad I didn't have my silkies out running around.
I let my girls out when I get home from work everyday and today wasn't any different. I went inside to start cooking dinner and I hear 2 of my girls singing what sounded like the egg song. They wouldn't stop so I went outside to see what was going on. I look up and in the neighbors tree is a hawk.
My heart is pounding as my girls were all over the backyard. I see Wilma's feathers in the grass and hubby just happens to come outside. I said hawk in the tree and I think it has Wilma. I am shooing all the girls in the run and we do a headcount. Then the hawk drops what it had and it lands in the neighbors yard. Hubby investigates and it has a pigeon. I find Wilma in the side yard and everyone is accounted for. Grabbed my camera and here are a couple pics.

What a way to start my evening.

Looking for it's dinner it dropped

Found it's dinner...gave me the evil eye. Snapped the pic and got out of it's sight.

Oh my goodness Chris. Very scary. I had an owl after mine last week. that was freaky. I'd never seen one close up and this one was uncaged and only 4 feet away from my face when my eyes focused on it.
WooHOO! Got my first egg in nearly two months! The threat of stew must have convinced one of the little slackers to get back to work. Or maybe it was the dozen storebought eggs I finally brought home yesterday

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