Arizona Chickens

LKD  when I drive down on sunday I should be able to help you with sex determination on your birds. See you then. Demo, I have a few green wine bottle for you if you want them ? You could stop over and pick them up ?

Cool, that's great to hear. I completely missed all information on the party this time around. When will you be down there, so I know when to stop by? I plan on processing our Thanksgiving turkey the following weekend. This weekend is a bit too far out for it to sit in the fridge that long.

Welcome to the Forum, Cindy. And congrats on the eggs. It seems like any eggs this time of year are special. My flock hasn't resumed laying after their moult yet.

Party? where? I missed that. Been under the weather, been to the doctor, it is allergy(s). Have appointment to take care of it. If I don't then I asked for feeling bad, now that I know what is going on. I have missed stuff, trying to catch up. Please post again. I have a hen that I have been putting off processing. It is so much easier in a group, and accuracy fun in a social way only. Let me know please.
Right? Well for one thing I checked over my youngest girls yesterday. And yes, my Black Cooper Marrans is a cockerel, no question. Basil screamed I'm here from the minutiae to got out of the egg. I talked about it on his first day. It was sugested he would be a lot of fun with such a character. If I could have Roos, that would be true. So...........
I have 1 Black Cooper Marans, non-hatchery chick hatched Aug. 29th looking for a new home, I think he will be a handsome guy, and randy cockerel.

If nobody else takes him and you want to avoid the stew pot, I wouldn't mind him. Everyone else has first choice, though. I'm not actively looking, but could probably handle one more. I have two and a half for 12 hens.
Sounds as if your chickens are causing as much trouble as you children.    :gig

Or my wife, for that matter. She was getting out of the truck yesterday morning and twisted her knee really bad. We are at the orthopedic office to check for torn tendons and such, since the x-rays came back clear. About eight years ago she did a similar thing and one of the ligaments popped out of place. We are hoping she doesn't need surgery for it.

Anyone have a giant air bubble or rubber room I can lock her in? Rofl!
Whoever from BYC left a message on my answering machine about the turkeys, with phone # starting 602-576-
I could not hear the rest of your phone # or your name on the message so I cannot call you back.
However to answer the inquiry, all the processed Thanksgiving turkeys have been spoken for and I have just a few left for Christmas.
Call me back or PM if you want one for Christmas.
Hi! I am new here and new to raising chickens. I know this is a super long thread, but I have some questions about chickens in Arizona and am hoping you guys with experience can help me out. (and some might be stupid questions) I have 12 chickens right now, 9 in one coop and 3 in another. The 3 that are separate are smaller and were getting pecked like crazy by the others, so we separated them for now. The big coop we made with a 10x10 dog kennel. We have a cover on it and extra chicken wire around it with roosting poles inside and adding nesting boxes this weekend. None are laying yet, though we hope some will start soon as we have some that are about 23 weeks. Do we need some kind of hen house in the open coop for winter here? Or will they keep warm enough on their own? Also, will they start laying soon with the cooler weather coming in now, or will that delay them? I have read about adding a light to simulate extra hours, but since they aren't laying yet, I haven't tried that. Thanks for any help you can give this newbie!
Add some tarp or clear, heavy-weight plastic (like shower curtain liners) to an end or corner to keep rain out and help hold heat in and they should be fine.
Ugh , my Houdini chickens are at it again. This morning, one of my Ameracaunas got out and I found her in the front yard. My Mom and I chased her four houses down when she jumped the fence. By the time they answered their door, we couldn't find her in the yard of any of the eight houses on the block. I gave up, figuring a dog got her. **** chickens, flyin' the coop.

About three hours later, my wife mentioned another chicken got out and was wandering the backyard. I went out and it was one of my two grays. I was putting her back in the run when the second gray wandered out of the coop! The freelancer came home!!! Woohoo!

I think our chickens are related.. One of our Plymouth barred rock flew the coop yesterday.. :barnie
I was at work & I get a call from D.H. Saying he tried to catch her with no luck.. DUH.. She is a
teenage chciken. He is old.. So ya why would he be able to.. He did get his cardio in though..
I guess she was in the neighbors back yard.. I have no idea why they did not bother to either call
or just put her back over the wall.. They probably enjoyed her.. Same as your girl ended up at going
to probably 8 different homes before I got home and followed her for ten minutes till she tuckered out.
Clipped her wing right away..
Blackie laid her 6th egg in 7 days, already gone from 40 grams (first 2 eggs) to 50 grams (last 2). I wish she'd teach her roomies how to do what she does!! The EE is over 7 months old, but for the past few days, she has been very vocal, so I'm hoping she's close. The leghorns are a little younger, maybe barely 6 months, but they started moaning and groaning and singing today, too. Since I telecommute, doing the hourly egg check gives me a welcome break from the computer! All-in-all, I think it will all be worth the effort!
Or my wife, for that matter. She was getting out of the truck yesterday morning and twisted her knee really bad. We are at the orthopedic office to check for torn tendons and such, since the x-rays came back clear. About eight years ago she did a similar thing and one of the ligaments popped out of place. We are hoping she doesn't need surgery for it.

Anyone have a giant air bubble or rubber room I can lock her in? Rofl!
I hope your wife's injury isn't too serious. Knee problems don't ever go completely away, it seems

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