Arizona Chickens

Got my first broody hen. So what do you guys do to break them? What's your egg retrieval technique? She has made it clear that I am not welcome near her.

We have had 2 hens go broody. It takes a little longer than using a broody jail, but we managed to break them within a week-10 days by keeping the broody hen away from the nest as much as possible. Basically, as soon as those that are laying have done their thing for the day, we put covers over the nest boxes and leave them covered overnight. After a few days, the broody loses interest in the nest and after a few more days, she starts laying again. Good luck!!


Happy girls just hanging out. Safe from hawks.
Spent time with the girls today. Have to show off some of the pics I took. Pic heavy. Wilma, EE, as the sun was setting. Daphne, BO Phoebe, CM, loves to look into the lens and again and hamming it up Vincenzo, Splash Silkie Some of the kiddos Phoebe again She is a good model Josephine, EE Daisy, BO and Roberta, SLW Dolly, BO Vincenzo Clara, Welsummer Lorenzo, BCM
Wonderful.. Hope all is well with you & your family..
My neighbor across the street left her gate open and one of her dogs got out and came into MY yard and killed one of MY chickens. I'm down to 5 now with 6 more 4 week old babies in the house. Gonna have to confine them to the back yard. My chickens have never gone into any one else's yard and that's not fair. I don't have a problem keeping my dog contained so why can't other people do the same. It's not that hard. I'm steaming mad and very upset because my Buffs are pets. They come and sit in my lap and gather around me and talk to me and follow me everywhere.
here are some pics i took of the chicks today..the original 5 are 4 weeks old on sunday... the other 3 (cuckoo maran & the 2 blue wyandottes were 4 weeks yesterday) [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Thelma (blue wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Louise (blue wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Henny Penny (Buff Orpington)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Lacey (Gold Laced wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Cleopatra AKA Cleo (Cuckoo Maran)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Lucy (Silver Laced wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Gypsy (Black Australorp)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Water Break[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* My little guy holding gypsy[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Louise (blue wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Lucy (silver laced wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Lacey (Gold Laced wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Its a chick Thang.... [/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Thelma (blue wyandotte)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Charlotte (my favi) (Barred Rock)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Gypsy (Black Australorp)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Henny Penny (Buff Orpington)[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]*Below* Henny Penny (Buff Orpington)[/COLOR] HERE IS TODAYS VIDEO!!!
It's a chick thing is my favorite photo.. Thanks for sharing. :yiipchick
My 4 pullets have been laying for about 6 weeks. This is the 2nd time we have gotten a 3" long monster egg. Since I was finally able to stalk my girls last weekend I at least know that Snoop's egg is the light one on the far right. Lemon lays the really dark one next to hers. Between Leticia and Dottie I'm not sure - never caught them directly after laying. By markings of hen I would guess it is Leticia's egg that is the big one. Poor girl. Last one we got was a double yolker and I thought she would skip a day, but nope. 4 eggs from 4 hens daily for many days in a row !
That is eggciting! Love those eggs.. My D.H. Has a friend that is starting hs own flock!! :yesss: I think a few of his friends browse this site.. So I have heard..
Got my first broody hen.  So what do you guys do to break them?  What's your egg retrieval technique?  She has made it clear that I am not welcome near her.

Never tried.. We just put the fertile eggs under them, let them hatch, then give away the chicks.. :woot
We must say, it is nice to see the flock & how they interact as a group with the chicks.. It is wonderful..
Sooooo. Yesterday I began my foray into feeding my quail (we are moving so getting chickens again will have to wait until then. Probably) with soaked/fermented feed...and almost killed my new hatch.
It wasn't the feed, it was the process. I filled a gallon jar with feed and water, stirred in a tablespoon of live sauerkraut juice and for lack of a better spot placed the jar on the desk in the garage office next to the incubator. The bator was still happily humming away awaiting late hatches, and my 23 fuzzies were happily snuggled in a rubbermaid tote under the desk with a drip feeder and precisely positioned heat lamp at exactly 100 perfect degrees. I went to bed, self satisfied with my neat arrangement.
This morning I was up just before 6 am, DH thoughtfully snoring in replacement of my alarm clock which I do not set on Saturday. Going to make my morning coffee, I heard distressed peeps coming from the office. Thinking that the 60 watt bulb wasn't doing it's job, I popped into the office only to find 23 soaking wet, bedraggled and hyperthermic quail chicks huddled and/or sprawling in varying stages of near death - the temperature having dropped to 78 degrees.
I snatched them up and back into the incubator and then irritably uncoupled the ball bearing drip waterer and yanked it out, thinking the seal had failed and flooded the brooder tote. But it was full. Questing for an answer, my coffee deprived brain wondered if DD had dumped water in there in her insomniac wandering during the night. No, the bottle I keep for incubator humidity was there, and not depleted. And then I saw it.
The gallon jug of grain and water I had set out to ferment had taken on a life of its own. It bulged and oozed over the top of the jar, making a mushroom of the rubber banded coffee filter I had covered it with, rivulets of moisture sliding down the sides and pooling on the desk. And dripping directly into the brooder.
Now I am impatiently waiting to see if the chicks survive, and whether they will be fuzzy or will dry with their down all matted and need bathing.
The soaked grain now resides in a plastic bucket, with plenty of room for expansion.
Oh, bless your heart girl... :hugs Keep us posted..
My neighbor across the street left her gate open and one of her dogs got out and came into MY yard and killed one of MY chickens. I'm down to 5 now with 6 more 4 week old babies in the house. Gonna have to confine them to the back yard. My chickens have never gone into any one else's yard and that's not fair. I don't have a problem keeping my dog contained so why can't other people do the same. It's not that hard. I'm steaming mad and very upset because my Buffs are pets. They come and sit in my lap and gather around me and talk to me and follow me everywhere.
Sorry about losing your girl. Not only do we have to figure out a way to keep our chickens safe from wild predators-we also have to keep them safe from domestic ones, regardless if the owners are responsible OR NOT. Yesterday, our neighbors dog walked right into our house right behind my husband who was carrying groceries leaving the front door ajar behind him. Now that's comfortable!! If she wasn't old and arthritic, it could have been a problem with our cat.

I used to have a neighbor with unknown number of cats. For some reason, it seemed they ALL liked to use my little flower garden as their litter box. When her ferret made its way to my back door, through a locked fenced yard with a dog - I finally had the nerve to have a neighborly conversation with her.

Hoping you are able to work it out peaceably. (for you

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