Arizona Chickens

Laree, personally I love your trouble making haha. Then again I tend to get into trouble for it too...><;;

Cheerful, do you think she needs vitamins like with wry neck?

So many adorable chicks! Sorry for whoever had one of the cats eat a chick. :C

Thanks all who gave me health advice, it's working! I am feeling so much better.

I love the SciFi channel and all that. Thus my wonderful Dr.Who icon and bla bla. I used to get into Lost but after a while my head exploded. So I ended watchin the Star Gate series. Is Lost worth re-watching? I'm not sure if anyone likes this sort of thing but there is this movie called Paprika. It's a SciFi mind trip based on technology and dreams. I found it to be a wonderful watch despite being subtitled (Dub is in Japanese). Anime or whatever you call it doesn't interest me I happen to like the science fiction movies Madhouse comes out with.
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I posted in the raising chicks board my problem with my Delaware pecking the Brahma. It's gotten pretty bad and she's kicking the crap out of her. :C
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Noskiveez, if I could have one of each (silver, gold, and buff laced) of your young ones coming up, I would just be the happiest sub-urban chicken farmin' woman on earth!! Will you put me at the top of the list???? I have just one little half polish that I am keeping, and would add her to them so they could be a little sub flock of polish girls! Sounds like they are close to the same age (maybe). And by then I will be be rid of my roosters.

Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please, oh, please!!
well... James my almost 3 yr old and his mom got home a bit ago. He was watching Monsters Inc in his play room which has the door to the back yard. I guess james opened the door when one of the chickens came up to it. It was one of the ones he liked. He let the chicken in his room and the dog came over and killed it in front of him.... YEA. He came running in saying the chicken wouldn't wake up. I felt really bad when it was laying in the floor dead with its insides sticking out of its vent, and took it outside and disposed of the body. He is still not understanding that she died but WOW... so we lost a chicken.

And I have another one that went broody today... Its her first time doing this so i dont know if i should put eggs under her.. Thoughts??

TofuRanch the one that died was going to be coming to you... SORRY .

Feel really bad right now.

I feel bad for your 3 they don't understand very well. I am sorry you lost one...

about the broody wait a couple of days and if she is still at it, put some eggs under her
Noskiveez, if I could have one of each (silver, gold, and buff laced) of your young ones coming up, I would just be the happiest sub-urban chicken farmin' woman on earth!! Will you put me at the top of the list???? I have just one little half polish that I am keeping, and would add her to them so they could be a little sub flock of polish girls! Sounds like they are close to the same age (maybe). And by then I will be be rid of my roosters.

Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please, oh, please!!

Sure! They are March 14 hatches. Black and whites are Feb 12 and March 16 hatches. The younger ones are still hard to tell gender. I'll letter you know as soon as I can tell who is the girls.
Noskiveez, if I could have one of each (silver, gold, and buff laced) of your young ones coming up, I would just be the happiest sub-urban chicken farmin' woman on earth!! Will you put me at the top of the list???? I have just one little half polish that I am keeping, and would add her to them so they could be a little sub flock of polish girls! Sounds like they are close to the same age (maybe). And by then I will be be rid of my roosters.

Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please, oh, please!!

Sure! They are March 14 hatches. Black and whites are Feb 12 and March 16 hatches. The younger ones are still hard to tell gender. I'll letter you know as soon as I can tell who is the girls.

DD is squeeling with delight over the prospect!!
I do.

Take a look at CH2s chicks they came from my eggs and most are purebred wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas with some great EEs.
Shaun - So sorry.
Hope you feel better soon and that your son soon finds a new favorite bird.

RRR-Glad you are feeling better. Yippee! Thank you for the wry neck idea. I finally found that in some posts. I thought it was just babies, but think some vitamins would be good at any rate. I loved, loved, loved SG-1 and also enjoyed SG-Atlantis. SGU-not so much. I like hero's that are real hero's. Honorable through and through...and happy endings. If you post the link to your other thread I'll read it, though I doubt I have great ideas. No experience on that one.

GCK & NoSV- how fun to connect on the polish. Looking forward to pics.

Mohonri - So sorry you lost a particularly special chick. I am learning from it. I am doing better at locking mine up now. I appreciate you sharing. I hope I don't have to figure out how to help reduce the stray cat population in my neighborhood. I am a little worried about one neighbor. I guess in AZ it costs money to take cats to a that right? She can't "fix" them and they keep breeding.... I guess they adopted her, but ....

AZ Nessa - when you bleach your pens, what is the concentration you use? How goes the Nicotine reform? Aside from withdrawals, which I have only experienced with sugar and that passes easily enough, how are you adjusting. I know former smokers can really miss the breaks and time to think that are built in with the routines. I heard a speaker once (who I doubt ever smoked) say once that if you change the coffee brand that makes the cigarettes less interesting. Hope you are doing ok.

Shaun - Broodies are fun when the hatch and care for babies. Not so much if you don't want babies. If you aren't going to giver her chicks or eggs, she'll need broken. My BA's would stay broody for 6 weeks plus and their health would deteroiate. I learned the hard way. I was so sad when I realized that their combs had shrunk to nothing while I was being kind by letting them be in their broodienss.

Laree - how are your eyes? And I too missed what was up with them, but hope they are doing ok.

Meaties & CL - that looks like a great set up. Wow.
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Shaun: Sorry to hear about your chicken. Give your little guy lots of hugs, loosing a pet can be hard.
If she stays broody, I've got some eggs as well. They'd all be EE's-the daddy is a Wheaten Ameraucana that I got from Mahonri. The girls are from a very mixed flock-I've got 2 Buckeyes, a Barred Rock, a Blue Andalusian, a Silver Laced Wyndotte, a Rhode Island Red. a Delaware and 2 Easter Eggers, so if you got any pullets you'd get a wide variety of greens and maybe some blue eggs. I don't know what the birds would look like, it could range from gorgeous to fugly.

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