Arizona Chickens

I have a CCL, she should be laying soon, can't wait for that beautiful egg!

On bumble foot, in my coop I have sand (so easy to clean!), and the ladies free range outside. I noticed my heavier breeds, BO, had sores starting in their feet. One thing I did that I believe made a huge difference was lower their roost from 3 feet to about 18 inches. Everyone still roost without complaint but the bigger birds don't take a big thud as they come down. Also, it's low enough that my silkie is able to hop up to roost too, win-win!
I am terrible at housework and it is a skill I have little interest in refining. I just do enough to keep the health department from knocking on the door. Lol. My motto is "no one on their death bed wishes they had done more housework. ".

I love your motto! Life is too short to spend keeping the house perfect when we can be outside enjoying our chickens!

I thought you guys would like to see one of the eggs we got from Pam Padilla. This is a CCL egg.

I honestly don't like having broody hens, or incubating. However we have had, I think, 7 just this year.. So this poor little girl looked awful this morning.. These 3 have been under cheryl. The first chick came out great.. width: 500px; height: 375px">

wow what is that? did it herniate during hatching? 

It sure looks lie one.. It is the yolk.. Never had this so just learning.. I called a friend & probably going out to their farm to get day old chicks.. I don't want any more chicks but the moma's do.. :yiipchick
so I told Shelly I would post a few pics of my AM I will get more pictures later but now I have my Black split to chocolate and I have newer pics of my Silkied AM I will post those soon.
What are these breed if chickens? I hatched out some mystery eggs last year from the grocery store and one looks just like these, but without the dark tail feathers. My girl also has very light legs. Here is her pic. It's hard to see her tufts, but I don't have a better pic. She looked just like your right one when she was younger. She's a year old now. The black and white is a Plymoth Barred Rock, the other looks like a Buff Orphinton, just a newbie, what store did you get the eggs from? That is so cool you hatched out eggs from a store.
What are these breed if chickens? I hatched out some mystery eggs last year from the grocery store and one looks just like these, but without the dark tail feathers. My girl also has very light legs. Here is her pic. It's hard to see her tufts, but I don't have a better pic. She looked just like your right one when she was younger. She's a year old now.


Looks like a golden sex link. I got three of them as companions for the lone survivor of my black jersey giant slaughter.
I honestly don't like having broody hens, or incubating. However we have had, I think, 7 just this year.. So this poor little girl looked awful this morning.. These 3 have been under cheryl. The first chick came out great.. width: 500px; height: 375px">

Poor thing!  I hope she makes it.  I've had this happen with tortoises and after a day or two the yolk will absorb into the abdomen.  Keep her humid, clean, on soft paper towels and quiet and it will hopefully absorb without rupturing.  If it ruptures it can still survive but the odds are worse.

I sprayed some vetericyn.. Wound & infection treatment.. Great stuff.. I work all day again, so I gave them both as much vitamin water as I could..
The eggs you gave me are still under my broody. I'm assuming she knows what to do by nature and they're progressing. No way of knowing is there? I only put a portion of the eggs under her. I still have the others but don't have a turner and fell behind on turning 3 times daily. Are they no longer food for hatching now or?

Have you candled the eggs? You may want to try that before giving up on them. If they're still viable continue to turn them. I've heard of some that keep them in an egg carton until day 18 & gently tilt the carton one way and then the other next time.

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