Arizona Chickens

What are your guy's favorite breeds? I am asking because I just lost 2 old hens :hit , but that means that I can get 2 more hens. But I have no idea what breeds to get!

I've heard lots of opinions. Docile personality, egg laying, meat. It really depends. I've been told orpingtons, australorps, and barred rocks have good personalities. My EEs are friendlier than my orpingtons.
my barred rocks are great I am cross breeding them with a dark Cornish for my meat birds and A RI for egg layers. My best roo right now is my RI he comes running full blast when he hears me coming and then waits to be picked up. He loves to be held
in a couple of months i will have some straight run pure ameraucana chicks (curtesy of my great grandpa, who used to be an apa judge) so i will be looking for homes for some of those roosters (i can vent sex them, and have gotten 3 out of 3 correct, although two of those were geese...)

How much would you be asking for them?
leghorns are great layers but are very flighty, ameraucanas are pretty good layers of large blue eggs
For some of the best egg laying you want to cross a barred rock or white rock with a Rhode Island red roo. Or just buy some Sex Links which is what you would end up with. They are egg laying machines. It is vital however that you keep them on grower/finisher feed until after they lay their first egg or two. If you put them on layer feed before that you risk them laying too early or too large an egg and dying from it. But that is true with pretty much any egg laying bird. Let them have a chance to pass a smaller egg and stretch out a bit for the safety and health of your hen.
How much would you be asking for them?

i dont know yet because they should be show quality but some of his roos turn out to be an unrecognized color so some would consider those easter eggers but i will be breeding for that color in the future, its my project... but there is no way to tell the difference between the two colors at hatch, i will be asking at least $10 because of the chance for show quality and the fact that i will be vent sexing them (i personally like the unrecognized color better than wheaten, it is black breasted red)
Hi all I am in Kingman Az and have so far sex links, Barred rocks and Cornish getting some copper Marans next week. Would love to find some white Marans they are hard to find. We have shade cloth covering the paddocks and reed fencing on the sides the sun hits

Welcome! As far as the White Marans, you might want to try the Marans Club of America. Bev Davis is the current president, and I think she also has Whites but there are other members that also raise them.
I add 5 new hens to my flock on Saturday! Can't post pictures right now (I'm on mobile) but there is one EE two White Leghorn crosses, and Polish cross (that has two extra toes and a spur on one foot ???) And a black Australorp. Also added the two barred Maran hens to the big coop. Everyone is doing great and I got 7 eggs yesterday :D

Also my friend is looking for and EE rooster if anyone has one for sale

I have an Olive Egger cockerel. He's EE and Golden Cuckoo Marans, 4 months old, just started crowing, is developing the feather color of a Golden Cuckoo, has a pea comb, featherless shanks.

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