Arizona Chickens

Sorry Shaun about your pet.

Someone came to look at my rooster (bantam, which their daughter didnt mention) and well, they wanted a large fowl. So who here has any large fowls Roosters available. The people are from AJ. I told them I would find someone who does and let them know via email.

Just PM me with your email and rooster info and I will get it to them.
When Obama decides to pay the US Government's debts by printing money we will be just like Germany was in 1923. The Weimar Republic ran the printing presses until they could pay almost all of the country's debts. Germany's currency was worthless.

China owns us, and they will not be pleased to be paid in Obama Bucks. Our money will be worthless and China will be mad.

Where does that leave us? I don't know, but I am pretty sure it will not be a good situation.

My father used to complain that FDR and the Democrats confiscated the American people's gold and only paid them $20 and ounce. They effectively stole the savings of the nation. They will try and do that again. Don't smile to much; you sure don't want to show the gold in your teeth.

Hope and pray. Hope and pray you don't get killed for your year's supply of food.

I have about 12 roosters (mostly polish) available. How many do they want? If they are willing to take all, I will give a 18 week old pullet for Free.

I will give them your info
OK we are back from getting the chicks and ducks
Hubby is going to be SO happy when he gets home.

Anyways I ended up getting a cochin, EE, and Blue Andalusian. Here they are:
Blue Andalusian







All three

ANd Scovies (how come non of you told me she had these!
I went unprepared to tell her no


I'm late to the conversation, but to back track just a little:


/Not mine, but I want one. Who has the glass etching husband? Was it Cheerful? Laree? Who wants to copy that idea for me? Where would one find a cheap realistic or broken gun?

newchickmom09 - cute cute cute!
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Shaun, so sorry about your dog. It's always tough to lose a member of the family and it leaves a hole in your heart.

Laree... didn't you say you could get DE for $22? Western Ranchman charged me $28 today. It's the most I've ever paid for DE.

I really wanted to get flock raiser from the Stock Shop but I just didn't have time to drive that far so I got grower from WR.... AZ feeds simply doesn't have good quality feed. I bought four bags but in two weeks I'm headed for the Stock Shop... wish someone closer to Central Phoenix had Purina. 8 more days for my broody and she's still got 6 eggs. I wish she were closer to hatching so I could share with some of the ones coming tomorrow... Oh well... I've already got enough and the neighbors seem happy for now.
You could even get one of those airsoft guns cheap. All you have to do is take out the orange insert at the end of the barrel and they look real to the untrained eye...shoot even with a trained eye now with how they are making them. If you wanted a real gun then you could try the gun shops or gunsmiths around town.
I had chicken poo in my nest boxes this morning not like a stray poo but a bunch. Tonight when i got home Basil is sleeping in a nest box and her chicks are in there with her, they had been sleeping in the bedding on the floor of the coop.

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