Arizona Chickens

In the bottom of my feet. I was sitting around without my shoes on. I am never sure if it is a shake or something violent happening on the freeway.

OMG i must have that !!!!!


OK so Here is how that is made literally:

I understand, these "zombie boxes" first started appearing on the web as part of a promotional campaign for the decidedly awesome Xbox 360 game Dead Rising. One of my early works played with the semiotics of emergency fire boxes, and I was too much the zombie fan to resist this variation. It's made from an Airsoft shotgun with the orange forebarrel spray-painted over in matte black, an empty box of Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells, and 7 loose shells. These were assembled in a 25x8x4" shadow box frame from Hobby Lobby, which was first diassembled, basecoated with several coats of white primer and wood putty to close the grain, and then spraypainted with "safety red" Rust-O-Leum. The glass was removed and etched with a hand-cut stencil made by printing the words at actual size on large mailing labels, adhering them to the glass in their proper positions, and then cutting out and carefully peeling off the letters. Glass etching cream was then applied per the label directions, and the stencils peeled away. The box was reassembled and its contents installed using hot melt PVA glue."
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Mahonri: I wouldn't worry about it too much, you should get a chick or two at the very least. While I don't *regret* getting the chicks because, hey, fuzzy butts, as things turned out I really didn't need to.

Speaking of fuzzy butts, I started to get worried this afternoon, because the chicks still hadn't arrived. So I called the Mesa PO, the person I talked to was very friendly and helpful, but no chicks. I called the main Phoenix PO, again, everyone was friendly and helpful, but no chicks. Then, at 6:30, I got a call from the Phoenix PO, the chicks had arrived, and would be at the main counter. So we hopped in the car, drove down, and picked up the chicks.

Once we got home, I picked out 8 to put under the broodys. Working on the theory that it might be better if most of the chicks were chipmunk striped, I picked out 4 EEs, a Brown Leghorn, as well as what I'm pretty sure is a White Leghorn, a Blue Andalusian and an Australorp. Once it was fully dark, I snuck into the coop, tucked the chicks under the broodys and removed the unhatched egg and waited to see what happened. It seems to have gone well, the broodys heard distressed peeping from the chicks and started making comforting clucking noises and calmed the babys down. I waited for a few minutes, and then came back about 15 minutes later, and everyone was sleeping. I'll have to see how it went in the morning, but so far, it looks like it worked.

The rest of the chicks are in a brooder on the patio, and are doing really well. They all found the food and water, ate, drank and went to sleep. Everyone seems happy and healthy, another excellent order from MPC. There are a bunch of EE's, some Barred Rocks, some Blue Andalusians, Brown Leghorns, a RIR and what I'm pretty sure are White Leghorns.
OMG i must have that !!!!!


OK so Here is how that is made literally:

I understand, these "zombie boxes" first started appearing on the web as part of a promotional campaign for the decidedly awesome Xbox 360 game Dead Rising. One of my early works played with the semiotics of emergency fire boxes, and I was too much the zombie fan to resist this variation. It's made from an Airsoft shotgun with the orange forebarrel spray-painted over in matte black, an empty box of Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells, and 7 loose shells. These were assembled in a 25x8x4" shadow box frame from Hobby Lobby, which was first diassembled, basecoated with several coats of white primer and wood putty to close the grain, and then spraypainted with "safety red" Rust-O-Leum. The glass was removed and etched with a hand-cut stencil made by printing the words at actual size on large mailing labels, adhering them to the glass in their proper positions, and then cutting out and carefully peeling off the letters. Glass etching cream was then applied per the label directions, and the stencils peeled away. The box was reassembled and its contents installed using hot melt PVA glue."

Ooo! The original! I just got it from a GIS. I LOVE Etsy!
I can teach you how to etch glass. Takes all of a minute. Everything is available at Michaels.

My only criticism of that awesome case is the shotgun is locked up. Shotgun needs to be out next to the AR-15.
Laree... didn't you say you could get DE for $22? Western Ranchman charged me $28 today. It's the most I've ever paid for DE.

I am SURE I paid $22 the first time I bought DE. But I will be honest & say the last time I bought some, it was with a pile of other stuff, and I didnt notice. Is AZ feeds really that yucky? My chooks don't seem to notice, but if I think about it it does seem like they eat less when I am using Layena.​
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Yep...everyone needs ducks in there yard. They are entertainment that no chicken can give.

LareePQG~ Agree everything you need to etch glass is at Michaels arts and craft. I used to work there for about 3 years and loved it. And agree with you on the shotgun thing too.
Last night we put the 3 chicks (EE, SLC, and Blue And.) under my broody GLW. We lifted her up, took away the eggs, and then put the chicks under her. She just started clucking all soft and looking under herself. Once she was done looking around she adjusted herself and the chicks quieted down.

Finaly after setting for 8 weeks she is a momma! She still looks good, her comb and wattles were just a hit light pink instead of dark red. She took good care of herself and every egg that she has sat on the entire time. I never would have thought she would go broody and be that dedicated being a hatchery GLW.
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Yep, she was sleeping in a nest box that I made for her before you got her. She's probably decided she likes it better than out in the open. Hope her and the chicks are doing well. Do they all seem like pullets?
So i will probably get chicks here today and i wanted to ask you guys a bunch of questions....

I admit I am a bit nervous on all of this since i have no idea what I am doing. I have raised chicks before in brooders but my brooder is full of button quail right now

So do you put the broody with everyone else in the coop or keep them all separated? I know i asked this earlier but still curious what you guys think...

My broody is nesting in a nesting box that is 8-10 inches off the ground so i assume i cant put the chicks in there... Maybe better to separate? Not sure.

You can see I am a little unsure.

Let me know what you all think of all of this so i know if i should go buy some things to separate the broody before she gets the chicks (today)


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