Arizona Chickens

Oh no too expensive to eat them. They will be strictly for breeding. The breeder I bought the eggs from sent me a total of nine they will go in the bator in the morning after they sit and settle for a day. I am hoping for a good hatch rate, but even then not all will be good enough for my breeding stock. They can come out with touches of white or red and if they do they will be sold at a discounted price. Only the solid black will be kept for my breeding program. I am a bit nervous because it is a big investment. I will post candling results in 18 days and then hatch results with photos. They are going in the bator with 10 Isbar, 10 Dark Cornish pure breed and 10 Cornish/Barred Rock Cross.

The Cornish Barred Rock cross will be my meat birds. I will have gold laced and splash Cochin chicks in about two weeks and Isbar chicks about the same time outside of the eggs I will set.

My Fly Ty batams will arrive about mid to end of April I think they will be raised for feathers only.
Will set blue copper maran eggs about mid April still looking for a source on the lavender Marans that don't want an arm and a leg since the Ayam already too both from me. LOL

I know of a few people who bought into the Ayam Cemani specifically so they can breed them as meat birds to sell to some of their local Chinese population. Apparently it's considered quite the delicacy and many are willing to pay top dollar for the meat. I showed a picture of the birds to a friend of mine who's grandparents only speak fluent Chinese and a little English. She went nuts over the birds and and made me swear to tell her first if I ever decide to raise and breed those birds because her grandparents swear by the "magical properties" of the meat.

Sounds like you've got a fantastic selection of birds to work with! Have you worked with Dark Cornish and Isbars before? Those are two other breeds that I like. (Chicken math is threatening to bankrupt me.
I know of a few people who bought into the Ayam Cemani specifically so they can breed them as meat birds to sell to some of their local Chinese population. Apparently it's considered quite the delicacy and many are willing to pay top dollar for the meat. I showed a picture of the birds to a friend of mine who's grandparents only speak fluent Chinese and a little English. She went nuts over the birds and and made me swear to tell her first if I ever decide to raise and breed those birds because her grandparents swear by the "magical properties" of the meat.

Sounds like you've got a fantastic selection of birds to work with! Have you worked with Dark Cornish and Isbars before? Those are two other breeds that I like. (Chicken math is threatening to bankrupt me.
LOL I know what you mean I had to get a job to help pay for these. But, I hope if all goes well to recoop my money by next year. My hubby is being very supportive
*Well, I figure I'm gonna end up with a job soon to pay for the feed I'm gonna be buying again. LoL. Oh well. On a good note, met someone today at PetClub @ the 303 & Bell, whose on here. Didn't think to get her screen name. *
oh how fun I would like to meet some of the people on the Arizona thread. I meeting one in a week or two when I pick up a breeding pair of Isbars. Getting excited about that.

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