Arizona Chickens

Please keep us posted on your hatch! I've been admiring these birds for a while but simply can't justify that much of a financial investment. Are you planning to eat that black meat? I'm curious if they taste any different from 'standard' chicken meat. I'd LOVE to hear about your experiences with the birds...a review of their personalities as well as their productivity. Absolutely gorgeous chickens!
I'll be wanting updates too! And pics, lots of those.

Oh no too expensive to eat them. They will be strictly for breeding. The breeder I bought the eggs from sent me a total of nine they will go in the bator in the morning after they sit and settle for a day. I am hoping for a good hatch rate, but even then not all will be good enough for my breeding stock. They can come out with touches of white or red and if they do they will be sold at a discounted price. Only the solid black will be kept for my breeding program. I am a bit nervous because it is a big investment. I will post candling results in 18 days and then hatch results with photos. They are going in the bator with 10 Isbar, 10 Dark Cornish pure breed and 10 Cornish/Barred Rock Cross.

The Cornish Barred Rock cross will be my meat birds. I will have gold laced and splash Cochin chicks in about two weeks and Isbar chicks about the same time outside of the eggs I will set.

My Fly Ty batams will arrive about mid to end of April I think they will be raised for feathers only.
Will set blue copper maran eggs about mid April still looking for a source on the lavender Marans that don't want an arm and a leg since the Ayam already too both from me. LOL
I can't wait to see the Fly Ty bantams. I've seen some that look shaggy, and every one just a bit different.

I got an egg from every single chicken yesterday, even the old ladies. That makes a whole dozen!

What a pretty egg basket! Gotta love spring, short as it is here.

OK, y'all I'm going to try again:

Who wants the BYC seed box next? It's at my house (in Tucson) and it is time for those seeds to move along!
The seed box is amazing! I've gotten some nice plants started from there.
Well I've got eggs in my incubator too! I set 56 quail eggs from my covey with the largest quail, mostly as a test breeding to see if a year old (that's old for a coturnix!) 10 ounce roo can fertilize 12-14 ounce hens. I'll candle again tonight as I put them on lockdown. I know there are a few clears, but I think the old man has done his job well.

I'll need to be processing my current "chicks", they are 8 and 9 weeks old so the young roos are crowing up a storm. That's when I know it's time for the freezer! I might be keeping a few as I have some year old coveys to replace with larger young birds, so either the current chicks or the ones in the incubator will be replacements.
It is a box full of seeds that travels around the state, passed from member to member. When you get the box, take out some seeds you want to try, and if you have extra seeds, put them in the box for someone else.

Wow that is awesome! What kind of seeds are in there? Vegetable, fruit, flowers, trees?
For all the newbies. Since we have been off for a bit..
Well I've got eggs in my incubator too! I set 56 quail eggs from my covey with the largest quail, mostly as a test breeding to see if a year old (that's old for a coturnix!) 10 ounce roo can fertilize 12-14 ounce hens. I'll candle again tonight as I put them on lockdown. I know there are a few clears, but I think the old man has done his job well.

I'll need to be processing my current "chicks", they are 8 and 9 weeks old so the young roos are crowing up a storm. That's when I know it's time for the freezer! I might be keeping a few as I have some year old coveys to replace with larger young birds, so either the current chicks or the ones in the incubator will be replacements.

56 quail eggs? Wow!

Do quail need to be kept in coops like chickens do, or do you just let them completely free range? I absolutely adore the wild quail we have around here but haven't really contemplated how one goes about raising and keeping them as part of a mixed poultry flock.
Well I've got eggs in my incubator too!  I set 56 quail eggs from my covey with the largest quail, mostly as a test breeding to see if a year old (that's old for a coturnix!) 10 ounce roo can fertilize 12-14 ounce hens.  I'll candle again tonight as I put them on lockdown.  I know there are a few clears, but I think the old man has done his job well. 

I'll need to be processing my current "chicks", they are 8 and 9 weeks old so the young roos are crowing up a storm.  That's when I know it's time for the freezer!  I might be keeping a few as I have some year old coveys to replace with larger young birds, so either the current chicks or the ones in the incubator will be replacements.

I'm glad you asked about the fly preditor... I don't know what you get when you use the referral code.. But I hope it is good..:highfive:
If anyone has not tried this, so far I have to say it has worked. Less fly's... Here is their number.. 1-877-314-7739 or go on line
Once you join up you recieve the little buggers that will go out and eat the fly larva... Yeah!!! If you want use referral code 264068298.. Enjoy..
Quote: The green grass is actually only about 1/4 of the yard total. I wish it was the whole yard. It's so much cooler than the dirt or rocks in the other parts of the yard. However, we don't want to be too selfish with water usage in the desert.
BTW, the little tree behind them is a Goldkist apricot I planted last Spring. My apple tree was there but it didn't make it.

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