Arizona Chickens

You will need to get true Ameraucanas from a good breeder. The Ameraucana club has a list of breeders as well as photos of what the various varieties should look like as chicks and as adults. is the website. I set another batch of blue/ black Ameraucana eggs for an order, due to hatch 4/27. I always set extras so I know I will have enough hatch for the order. Let me know if you are interested. They won't be sexed chicks, though. Straight run. The black sex-linked birds are brown egg layers. Those are usually a cross between a red male, like a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire and a barred female, like a Barred Rock. There are other ways they can be made, but that is the most common. I have some hatching that are a cross between Black Copper Marans and Barred Rock.

How many of those chicks do you think you'll have available? I may be interested in purchasing a few.
I knew Ameraucana's and EE's were commonly mistaken for one another. I also knew the difference between colored eggs that they both produced. Ameraucana's produce blue eggs and EE's can produce a range of different colored eggs. What I didn't know was how to tell the difference. Thank you for this. I'm pretty bummed that this isn't an Ameraucauna like I thought it was. I always wanted an Easter Egger but I also wanted an Ameracauna as well. Eventually, I want a white egger layer as well. Do Black Sex Links produce brown eggs?

I had an EE who laid a cream egg. She was sold to me as an Americana with an "I" because that's a tricky way feed stores sell them too :p In my new batch of chicks I have an EE and a blue Ameraucana. I order my chicks from They are one of the few places besides a breeder you can get an Ameraucana but I'm sure they're not the standard of perfection for show quality birds or anything like that which is fine with me. I think mypetchicken gets theirs from Meyer hatchery who started selling blue Ameraucanas back in 2012 i think. I just wanted more chances of a blue egg this time around since my last EE never gave me one so I figured with the EE and an Ameraucana I HAVE to get one even if one bird ends up a rooster lol.

Black sex links do lay light to medium brown eggs, They're VERY good layers. Mine went almost 2 months without missing a single day. These were my 4 original birds with their eggs. I miss them terribly.

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I knew Ameraucana's and EE's were commonly mistaken for one another. I also knew the difference between colored eggs that they both produced. Ameraucana's produce blue eggs and EE's can produce a range of different colored eggs. What I didn't know was how to tell the difference. Thank you for this. I'm pretty bummed that this isn't an Ameraucauna like I thought it was. I always wanted an Easter Egger but I also wanted an Ameracauna as well. Eventually, I want a white egger layer as well. Do Black Sex Links produce brown eggs?
I remember the rude awakening I got when I understood the difference - jeez - just wasn't fair!! Anyhow I have a sweet leghorn that I expected white eggs from and I get the most beautiful, smooth, cream colored egg. Obviously she's a cross with something. My barred rock who lays a dark speckled must be a cross with a black copper marans. She is close to 4 years old and still gives me 3 to 4 eggs a week. They are getting smaller this year but I love the color. I might be interested in a BCM/BR cross with no feathered legs@desertmarcy .
I remember the rude awakening I got when I understood the difference - jeez - just wasn't fair!! Anyhow I have a sweet leghorn that I expected white eggs from and I get the most beautiful, smooth, cream colored egg. Obviously she's a cross with something. My barred rock who lays a dark speckled must be a cross with a black copper marans. She is close to 4 years old and still gives me 3 to 4 eggs a week. They are getting smaller this year but I love the color. I might be interested in a BCM/BR cross with no feathered legs@desertmarcy .

I have a few in the incubator due to hatch 4/27. Most of them have been hatching with a few leg feathers. Not sure any of them have been completely clean-legged.
I remember the rude awakening I got when I understood the difference - jeez - just wasn't fair!! Anyhow I have a sweet leghorn that I expected white eggs from and I get the most beautiful, smooth, cream colored egg. Obviously she's a cross with something. My barred rock who lays a dark speckled must be a cross with a black copper marans. She is close to 4 years old and still gives me 3 to 4 eggs a week. They are getting smaller this year but I love the color. I might be interested in a BCM/BR cross with no feathered legs@desertmarcy .

One of my Australorps is laying a lovely, cream-colored egg. I never thought egg color would phase me one way or another, but now that I'm seeing variations in cream to beige to brown, I find that I want more colors. Silly, I know, but there it is!
I do have a photo of the chicks. I will post it here. At least they are making good on the mistake. I told them I was going to turn them into ebay for fraud and got an immediate response. She said she is getting ready for a baby of her own the two legged kind and just got her marbles scrambled. I hope who ever got my chicks appreciates what they got. Or even knows what they got for that matter.
I don't know what they are, but the black one and the grey one are ADORABLE, Not sure where you are located, but if they need a home, I will take them! I am addicted to chickens. I have Blue laced red wyandottes in the bator.
If your D.H. Is ever in the area we would take more mosquito fish??
I bought them from someone on ebay. The good thing is they are replacing them with one or two extra's for free. I will get my replacements next week. But I now have 5 chicks of unknown breed that I am not sure at all that I want to keep. They said there is no way to tell what they are until the feather out since they have 60 breeding paddocks. 'Sigh'  

Do they have any idea what they could be?  Even with 60 paddocks of eggs they had to have mixed your eggs up with someone else that was expecting ______?


Something is always after our chicken's in one way or another

I just sent a photo to a friend for you.. She had a dude that was similar to your "Dude's" disposition..

:fl Hoping she will want him.  He's just too sweet a roo to go into the freezer.

He is really sweet.. Is he that loud? Can you tighten the colar? Oh he is beautiful.. I wish there was a way for them to not crow and lay egg's! :lau

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