Arizona Chickens

When I looked in the nesting box today all I could say was "Holy Crap!" There were the 5 eggs, 2 blue small ones from the young chicks, 1 blue and 1 brown med eggs from the older gals. This was normal.... but then there was this big giant brown thing sitting in there! It's 3.0 oz! my RSL went from a 1.9 oz egg that she's been laying for the last 5 months to this Jumbo Egg! No wonder the girls were all squawking this morning. The 3 older girls were late bloomers..... 9 months old for the 1st egg, the 3 young ones that just started laying are only 4 months old......
Be careful what you wish for, you might get it........ I wished for eggs.......

wow I don't think I could go through the stress you people who hatch your own eggs do. I am stressed enough being shipped small quantities of live chicks from reputable vendors let alone being shipped fragile eggs from people on ebay that may or may not hatch. I'd seriously lose my mind. I hope those dealing with these shady folks on ebay end up with beautiful happy healthy chicks after all this nonsense.

I hatch my eggs from my own chickens - a heritage breed that needs work. If 30% of the eggs I collect actually hatch I'm doing well. Many are not fertile, or they stop developing before they make it into the hatcher. Of the eggs that do make it into the hatcher I usually get a 60-80% hatch rate. It's not always the shipping of eggs that is the problem. Sometimes it is the particular birds producing the eggs.

My last hatch for this season was a set of test crosses with some new birds I brought into the flock (same breed, different line). There were four different crosses. The hatch rates were 0%, 0%, 25%, and 100%. If the chicks from the 100% hatch grow out to look anything like the Standard, I will be using that pairing next year. Hope some of them are pullets.
These are two of my Buff Orpingtons. Do you guys think they are what they were sold as? They have smut in their tail feathers like some hatchery orpingtons do.

Can't tell in the top pic, but the bottom pic shows white on the earlobe, indicating a cross with one of the meditteranian breeds. On an Orp, comb, face, and wattles should be bright red.

Edited to add: and earlobes.
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So what kind of chicks or hatching eggs does anyone local here in AZ have I would like to get some additional breeds. The person that was supposed to send me replacement cemani closed their ebay account so I am out my money and eggs for those and the tolbunt frizzles. I need to get something really cool to ease my pain

I have Black Copper Marans and Blue/Black Ameraucanas and some black sexlinks hatching Monday 4/27. I have 3 Easter-Egger chicks about a week old, (Ameraucana X Rhode Island Red). Sometimes the "really cool" breeds don't lay worth a darn and don't do well in our climate.
I have Black Copper Marans and Blue/Black Ameraucanas and some black sexlinks hatching Monday 4/27. I have 3 Easter-Egger chicks about a week old, (Ameraucana X Rhode Island Red). Sometimes the "really cool" breeds don't lay worth a darn and don't do well in our climate.
In the Marans I have black copper and hatching blue copper I have white with Lavender coming out soon. The person that closed their ebay account contacted me and has sent my eggs. It will be my third attempt to get Cemani. I am beginning to wonder if I was meant to have them. I ended up with Welsummer's 7 of them when another breeder sent me the wrong eggs. LOL I am hoping my eggs hatching next week are blue copper but with the way things are going for me who really knows.... I am hoping to sell or trade my RI roo for a Barred Rock roo if you hear of anyone. Also letting my breeding pair of dark cornish go.
I think I'd like to have or share one of those dwarf Nigerian does,@Sill anyone open to this in the East Valley! ??
Wouldn't that be wonderful? Raw goat milk is the best. I wish my sister didn't live way out in Rio Verde, I'd go and get milk more often.

I am beginning to feel nauseous with the up and down roller coaster I am riding on. I just heard from the first seller on ebay that closed their account they shipped some kind of eggs to me today. Don't know and won't know what they are until they hatch. 'Sigh' Their account is still closed but at least I am getting something sent. As for the other one I am just getting a refund from them I don't think I will buy any more eggs from ebay only here on BYC and from breeders with a track record. Will keep you all posted on what comes out this time
They didn't tell you what kind of eggs to expect? Or are these supposed to be your cemani eggs...finally?

I will keep everyone posted on what hatches. I hope anyone who bought from them gets what they were supposed too. The second seller now has three negatives on their record for fraud. Just terrible. It gives the rest of us a bad name that sell on ebay. People are going to be scared to buy from us too. Hopefully if I do list there my feed back will speak for itself
Yikes, don't they pull them off ebay after so many negatives? I think I'll only buy here or local.
With their temperments, I'm not super surprised that they aren't purebreds. I don't think hatchery stock is pure by any means. The birds that I've gotten from Privett are much better temperment wise, even the broilers. I should have been patient haha.
Oh and the earlobes are red. The feathers near them have white on the edge but they are brown overall.
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With their temperments, I'm not super surprised that they aren't purebreds. I don't think hatchery stock is pure by any means. The birds that I've gotten from Privett are much better temperment wise, even the broilers. I should have been patient haha.
Oh and the earlobes are red. The feathers near them have white on the edge but they are brown overall.

OK, maybe not a cross, but in a show, points would be cut for white tipped feathers, and light shafted feathers, which are evident in the bottom pic at least in the breast feathers. These are defects, NOT disqualifications. The birds pictured will probably make great egg layers, but not great breeders if you want SOP birds.

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