Arizona Chickens

I personally like Chicken feed from Modesto nails And its organic. What I order is soy & corn free layer feed.
WOW!!! I wonder if the Sprouts in the Phoenix Valley has any deal like that? If not you can be sure When I get hungry and I've run out of all my food I will be driving on over To your place first, lol!
I'll bet they do, but hurry, 3 days only, and I don't know when that started. I got an ad flyer in the mail yesterday, but I already threw it away.
WHOA! The local Sprouts has chicken thighs or drumsticks on sale for 69 cents a pound. So I went out this morning and bought a little over 50 pounds of thighs for $35. Looks like I will be doing a lot of canning this weekend! Also got all the fixins to make up about a gallon of fire roasted tomato salsa. I guess if I make a bunch of tortillas, I will be eating a lot of hot chicken burros for a while!

Quite the cook..
Yes,,, him and his wife are good cooks for sure!

I personally like Chicken feed from Modesto nails And its organic. What I order is soy

I'll bet they do, but hurry, 3 days only, and I don't know when that started. I got an ad flyer in the mail yesterday, but I already threw it away.

:woot YES!!! They do have the 69 cent chicken special at Sprouts!

Here they are! I picked up some eggs from Trader Joe's just for kicks. (They can't be worse than the shipped eggs that got cooked in my mailbox)
Good luck! Love the turner you made btw. Let me know when I can pick up the chicks.

Yes all is as it should be, starting 26 barred rocks this morning, the old fashioned way, still looking for a mongrel rooster
I have some olive egger cockerels.

Yay! It took a bit, but the girls have settled in! Look what we found this morning!

What are ya'lls favorite foods? Do I want a corn free scratch? I picked up a layer crumble, but I am sure someone has better suggestions.
Corn free here until it cools down. Corn ups their body heat so is good to feed in winter, especially where it gets really cold. Here in summer? Not what you want!

I know this is a long shot...but is there any chance anyone has Buff Orpington hatching eggs here in Arizona?
I saw some on Craigslist a while ago. Why not post a wanted ad in their Farm and Garden section?
Oh well then am I an enabler?? :lau

If you are wanting to hatch some out let me know. my friend is about 1 hour plus from me.. She has not said yes to hatching yet.. One other friend has a incubator I could use but, no thanks .. So if you want we could work out a meet up after they hatch.. Chick exchange, BYC seed box, drink.. Sounds like to much fun.. Depending on details, I need to head your way soon.. So either way would work. . My friend is showing her horses

I think you're one of many enablers for me. Every time I see photos of someone's gorgeous chickens, ducks, turkeys, muscovies...I want them! :rolleyes:

As much as I'd love to add the SFs to my flock, right now is just not a good time. I've already got 46 chickens with some eggs already being incubated....and I'm pretty much overwhelmed. I tend to do that to myself quite often. It's a major character flaw....but at least it gives me lots of eggs and meat. 

You have some will power girl... SF are so beautiful & the blue look like cockerel markings.. God willing I will have some..
Really, that is crazy.. She is a bad influence chicken.. Has she laid an egg for you yet? If the egg's don't work out I'll go to a hatchery .. Will you post up photo's of chubs the brat. i think jaqueline our birchen modern game is going to be a bad influence chicken..
I keep meaning to bring my phone out in the morning when she does it. It's not very high, only about 4 and 1/2 ft but none of the other girls have figured out how to do it. I think the trick is she does it from the roost bar in the corner of the run and flies across to the middle beam, the other girls see her up there and they try jumping from the ground but can't quite make it and smash into the bar and fall on the floor LOL She hasn't laid yet. All the birds in the new flock are a little over 23 weeks and only my Marans and my EE are laying so far. Here's a pic of Chromie (Chubs) from a couple weeks ago.
Hope to see your egg basket once they are all laying!! And your girl's are spoiled beautiful brat's... Keep those photo's coming.. My pet chicken , right?
I know this is a long shot...but is there any chance anyone has Buff Orpington hatching eggs here in Arizona?


I can't remember the name of who has that breed, but I do remember her avatar was her favorite buff.. "J" something.. Hope someone will chime in and give you their name.. They live in chino valley, maybe, ugh I can't recall..

Congrats on the eggs!! The 1st egg is like Christmas morning around here :) 
I won't claim to be an expert, but I mix my own corn-free "scratch" for my flock from either Whole Foods or Winco bulk. Cracked corn can raise internal body temperature, so here in the valley, I avoid it during the summer. Instead, I make a mix of raw pumpkin seeds, black oil sunflower seeds, millet, flax seeds, oats and from there I add a little something different for them everyday. Sometimes I add a few raisins, dried fruit, sprouts, etc. I feel like it's a healthier mix & The pumpkin kernel can help prevent some worms as well. Tho, I have to say I do have a bag of organic scratch in their storage bin which they know & go crazy when they see me open it.  On some cooler mornings I give them a handful to share.  Hope that helps!! 

They are loved... We do the same.. Sometimes when the wild bird seed is on sale we will grab it and give them some...
Hope to see your egg basket once they are all laying!! And your girl's are spoiled beautiful brat's... Keep those photo's coming.. My pet chicken , right?

Thanks! Yep, all MPC birds this time around. Besides the silkie ending up a rooster they all turned out very nicely. My Black Copper Marans isn't laying a very dark egg, it's closer to Welsummer brown than the very dark brown BCMs should lay so they're definitely hatchery stock, but for my purposes they work just fine. They're all very sweet. I just adore my little silkie roo, I never considered having a roo before, but he's very quiet and very sweet to the girls.
I keep meaning to bring my phone out in the morning when she does it. It's not very high, only about 4 and 1/2 ft but none of the other girls have figured out how to do it. I think the trick is she does it from the roost bar in the corner of the run and flies across to the middle beam, the other girls see her up there and they try jumping from the ground but can't quite make it and smash into the bar and fall on the floor LOL She hasn't laid yet. All the birds in the new flock are a little over 23 weeks and only my Marans and my EE are laying so far. Here's a pic of Chromie (Chubs) from a couple weeks ago.

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