Arizona Chickens

[COLOR=B42000][@=]@Lamaremybabies[/@][/COLOR] You should try to handle them as much as possible. They will be happier when you are around and not run when you need to pick them up! And like Dave said - there are always those who are even more cheeky and think they should be a house chicken!! I haven't had them come in our doggie door - yet - but they can run like the wind when the door gets opened!! My DH's Queenie has been the craziest chicken we've ever raised - she even prefers the dog bed on the porch to a nest! Or a chair with a shirt on it as long as she's near my DH!!
Love these photos, only like a real animal lover would..:goodpost:
@City farm

Found Ranger!  He was indeed where I thought he was with the farmer who had built the pen with a top on it about 3 stories high!!  He has a place to get out of the weather - raised water and feeding platforms and he has three girls too.  He came to see me looking for his treat - he remembered :love  or maybe my pocket smelled like a banana!!  I was very pleased and the farmer was relieved.  :thumbsup     All is well in Ranger's world.    

Oh how wonderful... Did you go see him, or did he come & visit you?? How cool... You talked to the farmer that owns him.. It's just a mystery, until now..

One of my two silkies


And my second silkie.
It's easy to tell which is which because one already has feathers on the feet and the other doesn't.

Oh, how cute.. We love our silkie Cheryl... They are so fun & for us we love how soft they are.. We call her our kitty chicken to friends that come to visit..

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