Arizona Chickens

Hey everybody. Hope everyone is well. Finally got around to getting the app on my new phone.

Still don't have chickens because we're still living in our RV but we do have another addition to show



Happy Thanksgiving
Hey everybody. Hope everyone is well. Finally got around to getting the app on my new phone.

Still don't have chickens because we're still living in our RV but we do have another addition to show

Happy Thanksgiving
Congratulations are in order!! The second pic is a frame-worthy photo! Wonderful addition, a little chicken helper.
Question........I have layer mash feeders that are the bucket style so the chickens put their heads in to get the feed. Very little beaking out and very little loss to the wild birds. BUT right now I am having a problem with the bees eating the mash and in the holes where the chickens eat. Has anyone else got this problem AND what have you done about it. I'm going to try putting out a tray of sugar water hoping to call the bees away from the feeders but that is problematic just by its nature, can't have it in the giant run because you don't want the chickens to eat it and is just outside the run close enough for them to "smell" something better!! Any ideas are appreciated......
Oh my gosh! Just one week + 1 day old and this little girl found her way out of the brooder and marked territory all over my office, LOL!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised since her daddy is my high-flyer and often leaps from the ground to 10 feet high to roost on the structure surrounding my garden.
Oh my gosh! Just one week + 1 day old and this little girl found her way out of the brooder and marked territory all over my office, LOL!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised since her daddy is my high-flyer and often leaps from the ground to 10 feet high to roost on the structure surrounding my garden.
What A little CUTIE!!!

and also a trouble maker<3

when Dory was that age, she was flying out of her box too. She had figured out how to fly onto her feeder, and then fly onto the ledge and call for mommy until i came and held her. This was before I got her a friend of course ^^

Yukon is swollen in her abdomen and I don't know why!!

I have checked her vent for egg binding, no egg, though she is showing all of the symptoms!! what else could this be?

I can't loose another bird, not after Dory, and if I can't find out what this is and how to stop it, I have a feeling thing may not go well for my poor silkie.

She is acting normal, eating drinking, and doesn't really have a penguin strut, but she is swollen in the abdomen and hasn't laid an egg since august!

Im worried that it could be a seious egg bound that I just couldn't detect, or it's something worse.

Pleas e if anyone has any info, let me know as soon as possible so I can help my Yukon out.

(She's so cute, after I inspected her thouroghly, stuck my finger up her bum and felt around for about 10 minutes, and felt her abdomen, she's cuddling contently inside of my jacket pocket right now whilst I type. Pocket Burb!)

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