Arizona Chickens

Pulling one or two feathers is a whole lot different from pulling most of the feathers from the top of the head. Personally I wouldn't do it. You can still show the birds. You can even show a bird with a disqualifying feature. It just won't rank in the judging. (I don't know your breed's standard so I don't know if that degree of crest damage would be disqualifying or not.) They will probably lose points due to the feather condition but you will get feedback on the rest of the bird.

Contrary to popular opinion, shows aren't all about winning. They are an excellent way of getting objective outside opinions of how your birds rate and where you might be going off track. Too often we follow our own preferences and lose sight of key elements in the standard. Shows have a way of pulling that back on track, if you are willing to listen to feedback.

I'm with you 110% on total above statement. What will be the result lets say if the feathers are pulled and they don't grow back properly in time. Winning isn't everything.. One of my Polish hens looks (not very pretty).. When drinking, her hairdo acts like a mop. Then she raises head to swallow. then repeat.ETC. Then she goes for a dust bath. She is all white. Her mop head and total front looks miserably bad. I think she is destined to be this way until she molts. I tried to give her a water bath, but not very successfully. I of course do not do any showing, but if I did, I would want to know what are the good points about my hen. Here is a picture of my girl after the bath. I tried my best to remedy the mopping situation with a rubber band. It worked. The soiled stains did not wash out. Pix not very clear, but its the only one I have right now. Rubber band fell off since.

No beauty contest winner here but stilled luved......

Quote: I wish I could show this weekend, but i've actually got lots of like planning this weekend.

I may just end up pulling the feathers and allowing them to grow back, but it's not gonna be a fun process and im actually really wary about it....

definitely will use a skin numbing ointment before hand.......

Its a few months before fair so the feathers should definitely grow back by then.

as for the CAUSE of feather breaking, i need to move the smaller coop made of chicken wire and wood that is holding hens in it because they want to mate with the hens through the wire and thats whats destroying their crests.

as for my hen, she is just so dainty and makes such sad noises when she "gets hurt" so im not sure I want to get her broken feathers out.... there are way less broken but there is no way for me to fix it and the cage she lives in always has wire that she bumps into....

I wouldn't use a skin numbing ointment. "-caine" type products are supposed to be toxic to chickens. I've no direct experience. Just repeating warnings I've heard from a variety of sources. Not all -caine products are created equal, so lidocaine may be okay but if it were my chickens I wouldn't want to risk it.
You make a good point. Ill do some searching around, but you're right, i wouldn't want to risk it.

do you think maybe a warm bath beforehand would do the trick? it would loosen up their pores and maybe make it both easier and less painful....

Idk im really wary about pulling feathers, but fair is also really important to me, as it is my last year...

What do you guys think I should do?

Pulling one or two feathers is a whole lot different from pulling most of the feathers from the top of the head. Personally I wouldn't do it. You can still show the birds. You can even show a bird with a disqualifying feature. It just won't rank in the judging. (I don't know your breed's standard so I don't know if that degree of crest damage would be disqualifying or not.) They will probably lose points due to the feather condition but you will get feedback on the rest of the bird.

Contrary to popular opinion, shows aren't all about winning. They are an excellent way of getting objective outside opinions of how your birds rate and where you might be going off track. Too often we follow our own preferences and lose sight of key elements in the standard. Shows have a way of pulling that back on track, if you are willing to listen to feedback.
My mind is made up then.

No pulling feathers for this.

Im not going to pull them from show, but I will be working on their handleability.
They are all so naughty ^^ XD

I am actually really excited to show, and not just for winning.

There are so many competitors and I love chatting with as many as possible and getting viewpoints and looking at all the chickens and its just a great experience.
What do you guys suggest as a good wormer? One that gets most if not all types? I've been reading the various threads. I have to go back to make sure, but I'm thinking safeguard is the one that's good for all types if given for a bit longer?

I'm thinking of working next month. I've upped the protein content of food this week by mixing flock raiser with gamebird. Plus feeding more of the fermented too. Seems as if weight is improving on a few of the just about 1yr olds, but not the others. No signs of anything that I can see. They do run the yard. Their keel bone is still very sharp with not much muscle near the top of it. Otherwise they're all looking & doing great. No issues egg laying. Figured I'd give a bit longer in the gamebird to see if that helps. I know they can be leaner having the run of yard, being from hatchery feedstore, etc. This strikes me as too lean. I'm thinking worms I'm not finding in their poop maybe?
If anyone would like to have my Splash Australorp rooster shown in my avatar, he is free. Just come and get him. I am growing out 3 of his sons to see which 2 that I want to keep. If you breed the Splash Australorp rooster with Black Australorp hens, the breeding will give you 100% Blue Australorp chicks. If you want him, send me a pm.
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What do you guys suggest as a good wormer? One that gets most if not all types? I've been reading the various threads. I have to go back to make sure, but I'm thinking safeguard is the one that's good for all types if given for a bit longer?

I'm thinking of working next month. I've upped the protein content of food this week by mixing flock raiser with gamebird. Plus feeding more of the fermented too. Seems as if weight is improving on a few of the just about 1yr olds, but not the others. No signs of anything that I can see. They do run the yard. Their keel bone is still very sharp with not much muscle near the top of it. Otherwise they're all looking & doing great. No issues egg laying. Figured I'd give a bit longer in the gamebird to see if that helps. I know they can be leaner having the run of yard, being from hatchery feedstore, etc. This strikes me as too lean. I'm thinking worms I'm not finding in their poop maybe?
Do you have a worm problem? Have you seen worms in their poop? Chickens carry a pretty good worm load just because they are chickens. Look at this article. I liked the information given even though some of it probably doesn't apply to our hot weather. I also give some apple cider vinegar in my water. Not much - just a bit and sometimes I forget. I've never had a worm problem (knocking on wood) and I've a pretty dedicated area for the chickens. The old chicken adage - clean water, good feed with few treats and clean area. For me its not totally easy but I work at the clean area. I'm terrible about giving treats - especially in summer when I want them to stay cool with frozen goodies. But mine seem healthy and happy so that's my two cents!
Do you have a worm problem? Have you seen worms in their poop? Chickens carry a pretty good worm load just because they are chickens. Look at this article. I liked the information given even though some of it probably doesn't apply to our hot weather. I also give some apple cider vinegar in my water. Not much - just a bit and sometimes I forget. I've never had a worm problem (knocking on wood) and I've a pretty dedicated area for the chickens. The old chicken adage - clean water, good feed with few treats and clean area. For me its not totally easy but I work at the clean area. I'm terrible about giving treats - especially in summer when I want them to stay cool with frozen goodies. But mine seem healthy and happy so that's my two cents!

I have the same philosophy, plus I use a product called Verm-X up to four times per year. It's 100% natural and actually healthy for them to eat.
My mind is made up then.

No pulling feathers for this.

Im not going to pull them from show, but I will be working on their handleability.
They are all so naughty ^^ XD

I am actually really excited to show, and not just for winning.

There are so many competitors and I love chatting with as many as possible and getting viewpoints and looking at all the chickens and its just a great experience.
Five thumbs = Five stars......
To my AZ backyard chicken family:

Completely, sorta, off topic. I just couldn't take it anymore and retired this past Friday from my job of 25+ years. I absolutely hated it for the last five years, and came to the realization that my mental and physical health come first.

It's a financial loss for me, making over $18/hr, and now have to pay for my own health insurance, but I think it will be worth while in the long run. I still make over $700/month playing organ at a local church which will aid the finances, and plan on collecting an extra $1,200/month from social security when I turn 62 in August. No one is promised to live to 65, so I'm gonna get it now before it possibly goes away.

The stress, frustration and daily anger has taken a toll on me, losing almost 10 pounds working in that hell hole. I didn't realize I lost that much weight until the doctor gave me the hairy eyeball after stepping off the scales. I knew something was going on because my clothes were kinda baggy, but never suspected that much weight loss. I may weigh 125 lbs on a good day.

Anyhoo, I am now free to finish my projects with no time frame or pressure. Thank you for taking the time to read this. There are a lot of caring individuals out there, and I appreciate all the advice/experience you have all shared.

Your shared knowledge is truly appreciated, more than you'll ever know. Lemme take a nap for a few weeks (LOL) then get busy with finishing these half-done projects. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

Oh, maybe I'll find a piano teacher and get back into playing my Classics again, because this beauty is just collecting dust right now.

Edited by Bobby Basham - Today at 4:37 pm

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