Arizona Chickens

Mom has finally come to terms with the baby chickens. my grandma, who bought the chicks, brought their new coop by today for me to set up this weekend for them. it is meant to hold 4 chickens so I might persuade my parents with good grades and lots of dishes to get these girls some friends (silkies or polish from the ACE on 22nd im hoping...) they will move in when they have their big girl feathers. Their names are August (Auggie) and Rosemary (Rosie May, Rosie, Rose) they are california whites so ive come to find. I was doign a gender ID search. they are loooking pretty girly....for the moment.... anyway have some AWFUL pictures of me and my babies. August in on my shoulder, and Rosie May is in my hand. they are huge cuddlers.
Glad your mom is starting to come around, your pic isn't awful at all and those babies are adorable!
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Quote: You and me both. For a while there I thought for sure she was going to fry them in a pan and eat them while I wasn't looking.

As for the picture.....eeehhhh. the only awful part is me, I donated blood that day so I was the most tired little senior you had ever seen.

after I took these pics we were watchign Moana, and one moment Hei Hei is screaming on a boat, I "blink" and the next moment they are standing in Tefiti's Hand....

lol apperently i fell asleep or something.
You and me both. For a while there I thought for sure she was going to fry them in a pan and eat them while I wasn't looking.

As for the picture.....eeehhhh. the only awful part is me, I donated blood that day so I was the most tired little senior you had ever seen.

after I took these pics we were watchign Moana, and one moment Hei Hei is screaming on a boat, I "blink" and the next moment they are standing in Tefiti's Hand....

lol apperently i fell asleep or something.

Moms can be like that lol.

Donating blood wears me out too, but it's worth it I think. You're not awful ttired, you just look tired.

Have you been able to find some chicks for school?
Has anyone bought ducklings ? I recently bought 6 of them they were on sale $1.00 each ! :) I was really happy it is my first time raising duck
I did end up persuading  my teacher that Ace woudl dbe a better option. She actually listened for once!

so once the emu hatches (he sure is taking his time, he is a week overdue!!) then we will be at ACE picking up some companions for him.

I am glad to hear your teacher is listening. Based on some previous posts I had my doubts!

Hope the emu hatches soon, I hate waiting lol.
Quote: Same!!

She is.... well lets just say bipolar and refuses to take her meds so suggestions and good days are hard to corelate. I think I got lucky XD

as for our little Emu(s?) they're sure taking their time.

They are supposed to hatch, at the latest, during fair week and the second one about a week after.

both have been rocking like crazy.

She is.... well lets just say bipolar and refuses to take her meds so suggestions and good days are hard to corelate. I think I got lucky XD

as for our little Emu(s?) they're sure taking their time.

They are supposed to hatch, at the latest, during fair week and the second one about a week after.

both have been rocking like crazy. 

Let us know when they hatch!

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