Arizona Chickens

Alright, I can finally update everyone now that all the papers are signed! I'm officially moving to Cave Creek! I can't wait. I loved everything about the area and the town. It's just so beautiful and I can't believe how smoothly everything worked out. The practice should have some awesome opportunities for me and I can't wait to go hiking and enjoy the beautiful weather! If anyone is closer to that area, let me know! I would love to have some friends to meet up with once I get out there in June.
Alright, I can finally update everyone now that all the papers are signed! I'm officially moving to Cave Creek! I can't wait. I loved everything about the area and the town. It's just so beautiful and I can't believe how smoothly everything worked out. The practice should have some awesome opportunities for me and I can't wait to go hiking and enjoy the beautiful weather! If anyone is closer to that area, let me know! I would love to have some friends to meet up with once I get out there in June.

I'm glad that you found someplace so quickly that you liked. About the hiking though... make sure that you bring enough drinking water with you when you go. Many people from up in the northern states have gone hiking without planning enough water to take along and have died because of it. It can get hot temps here in later spring and summer, and you won't want to get dehydrated. Take water with you everywhere you go.
Alright, I can finally update everyone now that all the papers are signed! I'm officially moving to Cave Creek! I can't wait. I loved everything about the area and the town. It's just so beautiful and I can't believe how smoothly everything worked out. The practice should have some awesome opportunities for me and I can't wait to go hiking and enjoy the beautiful weather! If anyone is closer to that area, let me know! I would love to have some friends to meet up with once I get out there in June.
Alright, I can finally update everyone now that all the papers are signed! I'm officially moving to Cave Creek! I can't wait. I loved everything about the area and the town. It's just so beautiful and I can't believe how smoothly everything worked out. The practice should have some awesome opportunities for me and I can't wait to go hiking and enjoy the beautiful weather! If anyone is closer to that area, let me know! I would love to have some friends to meet up with once I get out there in June.

We spent some time parked in our RV up in cave creek. It is a nice town. About 30 minutes from Bartlett Lake which is nice for fishing if you like that. Pretty scenic too.

Cave Creek is so old west that when they had a tie for city council, they resolve the tie with a good ole game of High Card from the deck. My buddy is/was friends with the winner. He has a belt buckle made with the a K (his card) and a 3 (opponents I think it was 3). Pretty funny.

Welcome. I say welcome but we are on our way to Virginia on Monday, Tuesday at the latest.
Thanks everyone!

I have read about the water thing. I'm going to get a back pack to pack enough water for myself and my dog. I may even get my dog a little pack to carry her own water!

I also have to get my dog snake trained. She's part beagle so her nose gets the best of her sometimes. She will always be on leash but I'm pretty paranoid about the snakes. We are not used to that here!

I loved the old west feel of cave creek. Part of it is pretty touristy but it's far enough in the country with plenty of stores close by too. That's exactly what I was looking for in a place!

People keep warning me about the heat (I've been there in the summer so I know what it's like) but I keep joking that I won't have to clean sunshine off my car like I do snow here :p

Anyways, thanks for the welcomes! It will be a busy few months ahead! I was able to rent a really nice casita until the end of September so it will give me plenty of time to find a house or apartment to rent. I'm hoping for something with a little fenced yard for the pup!
People keep warning me about the heat (I've been there in the summer so I know what it's like) but I keep joking that I won't have to clean sunshine off my car like I do snow here :p

LOL! That's the truth!

About the snake training... I know what you mean about beagles, I've seen them at work pushing rabbits for falconry birds, they sure get blinders on when they work that nose. You can save some money by doing the snake training yourself. Find someone that can bring you a live rattlesnake in a cage and an electric shock collar, it shouldn't be hard to find a herper that likes rattlesnakes working in the veterinary industry. You put the caged snake in the bushes, and every time your dog gets close or acts interested in getting close you shock her... on high. It seems harsh, but really drives in the message, and doesn't involve direct corrections from you so it'll work when you aren't around. Keep walking her away and letting go back to the area with shocks if she gets too close, repeated a few times over an hour. It probably wouldn't hurt to repeat it every spring if she's forgetful. This will save you the money from hiring someone, and is pretty close to what they are going to do anyway.
Life Update!!

So I've just kinda been giving confusing bits and pieces of my multiple participation in other and my own projects, but as it is Sunday and I am recovering from a sunburn, I'll take a bit to just clear some things up as announce a few things.

So FIRST OFF, April-May is a crazy bit of time for me!!

As many of you may know, I am a Senior in High School out here in Vail, and I have alot on my plate as it is with just that. Basically the schedule looks alot like this...

Apr. 15th - Turn In 4H posters, Photography, and Art entries to Old Pueblo Hall (If anyone is in town during the Pima County Fair, go and check my stuff out! Im hoping for a buttload of blue ribbons and best in shows.)

Apr. 16th - Easter Sunday, big family brunch from 10 - 2.

Apr. 20th - Drop off birds for Open Show. Fair Starts.

Apr. 21st - Open bird judging

Apr. 22nd - Josh Turner Fair Concert!!

Apr. 23rd - Pick Up Open Show Birds, Move trailer to fair grounds, & Awards ceremony for Shooting Sports. (I competed as a Senior in .22 Small Bore rifle)

Apr. 24th - Drop Offfor FFA/4H show.

Apr. 25th - Showmanship @1:00

Apr. 26th - Breed Show @9:00.

pr. 27th - Graduation Protocol Assembly @10:20

Apr. 30th - Pick up Birds from FFA/4H show. Fair Ends

May 3rd - SEP Presentation (SEP is this huge project that if you dont get a 70% or better you dont graduate, kinda big thing eight here.......Im gonna do fine thuogh, im amazing XD)

May 12 - Senior Parade (We go around to all the elementary, kindergarden/preeschools, and middleschools and parade around in our grad wear for the little kids)

May 19th - Graduation rehersal and Baccalaurate

May 20th - Graduation @7:00

May 21st - Graduation Party

SO YEAH A LOT OF SHTUFF OY STRESS. IM ONLY 18, BUT MY MIND IS OLDER, THESE ARIZONA STREETS GET COLDER, I SHOULDER stress not very well........(sorry that was a random Hamilton spurt...)

So anyway im entering alot of birds into fair and ALSO

my california whites are growing so big, they have a really cute coop inside the house right now that is all red and white.

lets see if i can find the design online much.

*scanning interwebz*


So yeah it is sitting all pretty in our hallway right now.

Mom was pretty chill about it actually. Dad ended up scraping a few things on the way in the front door but it'scool cuz it's got WHEELS

now the reason that we have this coop is because my home cop is at max capacity. I couldn't put these two in there even as adults, there just sin't the room, which is why my Noni, who also bought me the chicks, bought me this coop.

What are you hatching out now over there?

As of today, 16 Naked Necks have now hatched and are doing really well. I've got nearly every color combination. At least two of them have puffy chicks, at least one has a beard, and one has feathered shanks. I still have to upload photos, but overall I'm really happy with this hatch.

EDIT; Oh! And I got my firts Dorking pullet egg today!
I've no idea which girl it was since she laid it in the middle of the run, but nearly all of them are squatting as soon as I reach or move towards them, so I expect to be getting more little white eggs very soon.
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Alright, I can finally update everyone now that all the papers are signed! I'm officially moving to Cave Creek! I can't wait. I loved everything about the area and the town. It's just so beautiful and I can't believe how smoothly everything worked out. The practice should have some awesome opportunities for me and I can't wait to go hiking and enjoy the beautiful weather! If anyone is closer to that area, let me know! I would love to have some friends to meet up with once I get out there in June.

I'm glad that you found someplace so quickly that you liked. About the hiking though... make sure that you bring enough drinking water with you when you go. Many people from up in the northern states have gone hiking without planning enough water to take along and have died because of it. It can get hot temps here in later spring and summer, and you won't want to get dehydrated. Take water with you everywhere you go.

Congrats and welcome! And to second BlueBaby's comment, take more water than you think you need, and then double that amount. I've known people who've lived here most of their lives who still dehydrate out here. It's way too easy to do.

Cave Creek is a lovely area with many friendly people. I think you chose well.

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