Arizona Chickens

My parents would be jealous! Their plan is to buy an RV and travel around the country once they sell their house.

We love the RV life. We may be buying a campsite even. We can hardly wait til Virginia. I love me some East Texas though as I was raised on a 345 acre farm in Brenham, Tx.

Everybody is having fun. Road trips aren't too bad for 7 month olds I guess.


Stay Safe Dave and troops!   Say hi to my Dad as you travel through/around Dallas!  And hug my daughter and family when you get to Virginia!  LOL I have kids from one end of the country to the other!  

Will do.
We love the RV life. We may be buying a campsite even. We can hardly wait til Virginia. I love me some East Texas though as I was raised on a 345 acre farm in Brenham, Tx.

Everybody is having fun. Road trips aren't too bad for 7 month olds I guess.


Will do.

My brother lives in Texas (west Texas) so I started off applying to jobs in east Texas. I enjoyed my time there but the practice I ultimately flew out to visit though just wasn't a good fit for me. That's when I decided to stick with Arizona!
AAAHHHHHHH i wanna go to Texas!

It's where Nathaniel is enlisting in the Airforce.

Im hoping he gets stationed there, Im an aspiring Zookeeper/Falconer and iv'e heard there are some pretty awesome zoo's in Texas!
My brother lives in Texas (west Texas) so I started off applying to jobs in east Texas. I enjoyed my time there but the practice I ultimately flew out to visit though just wasn't a good fit for me. That's when I decided to stick with Arizona!

Arizona has its place for us. I will miss the constant sunshine to a degree. Will be nice to walk barefoot in the grass of Virginia though. I've already had my toes in the east Texas grass. I missed it.

AAAHHHHHHH i wanna go to Texas!

It's where Nathaniel is enlisting in the Airforce. 

Im hoping he gets stationed there, Im an aspiring Zookeeper/Falconer and iv'e heard there are some pretty awesome zoo's in Texas!

So San Antonio is on your go to list for his graduation I bet? I love San Antonio too. Not a lot of East Texas I don't like I have to say.

My wife's Aunt and Uncle work at the Dallas Zoo. Lynn is the head Veterinarian there and his wife is like one of the top bird people in the country. They know every zoo owner it seems. We went to World Wildlife Zoo with them and Uncle Lynn is good friends with the owner. They have quite and incubator and are known for their birds. They hatch a lot of rare birds for other zoos there.
So San Antonio is on your go to list for his graduation I bet? I love San Antonio too. Not a lot of East Texas I don't like I have to say.

My wife's Aunt and Uncle work at the Dallas Zoo. Lynn is the head Veterinarian there and his wife is like one of the top bird people in the country. They know every zoo owner it seems. We went to World Wildlife Zoo with them and Uncle Lynn is good friends with the owner. They have quite and incubator and are known for their birds. They hatch a lot of rare birds for other zoos there.

We graduate on may 20th, then go to Lake Havasu on June 4th with my family for week (We have been planning this trip for years! Spared no expenses *rawr*)

then we just need to wait for him to get sent to Basic, as he is already doing the delyed enlistment process. He needs to take the ASVAB though, however he did take the pre test and got a pretty amazing score on it.

*gasps* An avian expert you say!?!? Would your Auntie-in-law happen to be a falconer?

We graduate on may 20th, then go to Lake Havasu on June 4th with my family for  week (We have been planning this trip for years! Spared no expenses *rawr*) 

then we just need to wait for him to get sent to Basic, as he is already doing the delyed enlistment process. He needs to take the ASVAB though, however he did take the pre test and got a pretty amazing score on it.

*gasps* An avian expert you say!?!? Would your Auntie-in-law happen to be a falconer? 

Banaynay, you may want to check out a place called Sylvan Heights Bird Park and waterfowl Breeding Center in North Carolina. I did an externship there a few years back and they deal with all sorts of waterfowl. They also have several workers that do falconry as well and they have other species of birds in addition to the waterfowl. The internships they offer are geared towards those interested in zookeeping and may be worth looking into for you. They include housing at the owners house. The only thing I warn is that people who do the internship should be ready to work! It was a lot of hard work feeding and cleaning up after the waterfowl, but overall I think you learn a whole lot. You'll even learn about pinioning and sexing babies if you go at a time of year when they are hatching. They also have lots of cranes and baby cranes are the cutest! The park itself is a more remote area of NC, but they get visitors from all over. The public park is very impressive.

My brother and his girl friend go to zoos in Texas all that time. I've been to the San Antonio one and really enjoyed it. I loved the hippo exhibit! That's neat that you know the veterinarian there! It's not easy to get a job as a zoo vet. I have a lot of friends trying to get into that aspect of vet med and the jobs are far and few between.

Alright, Arizonians, when is the growing season in AZ and what plants do best (Besides cactuses and those types of plants!). I would like to do some container gardening, but I'm not sure what the actual growing season is. I may try to do some herbs in containers when I get there and that way I can move them inside if it is too hot for them outside.

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