Arizona Chickens

I just deep cleaned and rearranged the entire run...took about 2 hours! I even got all the feathers from the molting, although that was probably pointless because they are still dropping them like crazy. The girls found a scorpion and ripped it in half to share :D Now I'm totally rethinking the pine shavings/deep bedding, I forgot how much they kick that stuff up and it will be caked into the waterers everyday, even if they're raised up on blocks. Maybe I will do half sand, half pine shavings separated by large rocks...and keep the waterers on the sand side. Ahhhhgg I just don't know what to do to get the clean-up more streamlined! My husband will help with the egg collecting and poop boards, but daily poop pick up is a huge chore.

Have you tried the "pecker" style waters ? I have (5) on a 4 in pvc pipe for the girls and they like it more than the open water. I found one set up that has (3) five gallon IGLO coolers hooked to 3/4 in pipe that T'd to a set of (4) peckers per cooler but I'm guessing it was for a larger flock.
Okay, question time we have a bird that I cant ID I say rooster for the Americanas but it hasn't crowed.


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So glad you found out she's ok!

She's lucky that I answered the phone, instead of letting the recorder pick it up for me. It showed up as "Private Caller" on the caller ID. With the election's going on some of those people call you too!

Edit: Both sides call trying to get me, because I'm an Independent voter.
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Just checked on my 2 chicks that hatched out during last night. I had moved them down into the brooder with the 4 two week old chicks earlier this evening. I was watching them to make sure the older one's wouldn't pick on them. All is going well, and the 2 new ones are following the older 4 around in the brooder learning where the food and water is at. I mixed up a new little batch of wet chick feed for them, so it will digest better for them.
I have my pullet chick that I kept from my Aug. 7th hatch out in a wire dogcrate that I use for my chick grow out pen inside of my totally enclosed run. I moved it out there when it was 4 weeks old and was fully feathered. I make sure that it has plenty of water, and I set a board behind the crate where the afternoon sun would be hitting for shade. I also have boards over the top of it. She's doing good out there!
I'm going to have the coop ready for them by the time they're 3 weeks, with their brooder plate for another week or so, until they don't need it anymore. I'm going to start taking them outside for little field trips soon.
It's pumpkin season! :wee
The ladies split a pie pumpkin (the medium/small sized ones) this morning. They were so happy. I think pumpkins, grapes, and basil are their favorite snacks. They also love that chickie garden picnic seed mix I'm always talking about...I just wish it wasn't so pricey. @Geranium if you ever see this treat at a feed store, be sure to pick a bag up! It's safe for chicks over 2 weeks, and they will love you forever and ever haha. Mine are still obsessed with it over a year later, it makes them so excited when they see the bowls and they know what's in there. The brand is Little Farmer.

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