Arizona Chickens

@BlueBaby I got 2 eggs this afternoon. I have my BR that I'm pretty sure laid the one yesterday. Her comb and waddles are big and VERY red. All the others are still fleshy/pink colored and really small. Is it normal for hens to lay if the comb and waddles aren't very pronounced? The eggs are very different so I doubt that the BR did both.

Those have to be from 2 different hen's, different sizes and color. The bigger egg of the 2 look's like it could be an orpington egg if you have one. The smaller darker one look's more like a BR would lay starting out.
Those have to be from 2 different hen's, different sizes and color. The bigger egg of the 2 look's like it could be an orpington egg if you have one. The smaller darker one look's more like a BR would lay starting out.
That's pretty much what I thought too. I have 2 Orpington's and I've had conversations with them both about laying eggs and not telling me. My BO's are about 2 months older than my BR but have read that they usually need extra time to lay. I figure somebody got jealous when Fluffy got watermelon last night and decided to let one out tonight.
@igorsMistress I moved the chick's out into the outside brooder this afternoon. I went back out there to check up on them about an hour ago, and they were playing and jumping around, enjoying the extra room to move around in.

Yea I moved the 2 oldest out today, will let them out of the coop Thursday morning while I can be out there a bit.
Yea I moved the 2 oldest out today, will let them out of the coop Thursday morning while I can be out there a bit.

I'm all tuckered out now. I cleaned up a bunch of the feathers they have been shedding for the molt, before I moved the chick's out there. It looked like they had a pillow fight! That one hen is still trying to hatch her plastic egg's. I keep asking her when she's going to give up. :gig

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