Arizona Chickens

Sorry to hear that! These were the chicks that you were just recently able to put outside, due to the heat?

Yes. There were 4, but now 3.

Edit: On another note, the black silkie Cockerel is wanting to breed now. He's a bit confused though, and trying to get the girl's at the wrong end.
Yes. There were 4, but now 3.

Edit: On another note, the black silkie Cockerel is wanting to breed now. He's a bit confused though, and trying to get the girl's at the wrong end.
Edit: On another note, the black silkie Cockerel is wanting to breed now. He's a bit confused though, and trying to get the girl's at the wrong end.

Made me laugh - and I needed that!! I had a NN boy that did the same thing... we would just watch it be an idiot until one of the older hens took him aside and gave him the talk!

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