Arizona Chickens

Laree, I have a magnifying glass that you can borrow in case you want to build a snow man!
LOL!! That was some impressive snow! They were calling for 8 inches here. I decided that if you took all of the snow flakes and lined them up, we probably did receive about 8 inches.

AZBootsie, your chicken quarters are awesome! I should take pictures of mine sometime just so everyone can feel better about theirs. And that sure is a pretty rooster! What breed is he?
Hey guys! It's been a very long time since I've visitEd this forum!
I've moved several places since I've last posted and now I've found a house with an acre, a horse, a place to raise my rabbit and!!!....*drumroll please* a chicken coop! It's a fixer upper but it will do.

I'm wondering if there are any polish breeders that will have chicks towards the end of January?
I hadn't kept up here so I'm not sure who to call haha! Thanks guys!
5Pinkarrows...Thank you. I started the coop in august and was waiting to finish it to post pics. But, it may never be completely done. Especially if I do sucessfully hatch, cuz then I would need to start a second coop.

Rocky the roo is a mix. Can't remember for sure...Polish and Marans?? or Polish and Ameraucana?? Mahonri would know.

No more snow here and it didn't really stick to the ground much. But it is 27degrees at midnight...gonna be another cold night.
It snowed here too - in Glendale! (arrowhead mall area), but I didn't get pics.

This is a pic my friend took of it snowing in her backyard today (near 75th Ave and Thunderbird) - you can see the snow against the fence

Bootsie... thanks for the pic... yeah, I was missing him... does he still crow non-stop?

His daddy is a SQ Blue Wheaten Ameraucana... his mama a Bearded Buff Laced polish.
I would love to have an entire flock of that eye candy.

3 chicks so far in my incubator.
Yes, Rocky still loves the sound of his own voice!! No one is laying right now. But when they do, I will save you some eggs. He is a great roo. Constantly watching out for the girls, never agressive to the grandkids.

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