Arizona Chickens

4 more dead. I wish I could box them all up for the night.

I've got 35 hatched so far and 5 or 6 working on it in the bator. I have 7 quail. I'm not surprised at the number of quail. I collected for 15 days. I was hoping for some luck as the white coop only lays 1-2 a day. I'm planning on keeping the white ones to replace the ones that laid these eggs. They are getting old. I got a black Silkie, 3 partridge and 5 that are hard to describe. They are not quite white but not quite cream either. I've got some of everything to hatch. I'm thrilled with this hatch. I'm thinking about firing the bator back up tomorrow for some quail. I've been collecting 60+ eggs a day since Wednesday.
I got to meet Tucson Tofu today! She has a lovely family & house---as well as a terrific setup which could easily be considered chicken paradise!

Thanks for letting us pop by today, Tucson Tofu! I appreciate it.

Next time, we'll have to actually visit, rather than me rush through because of cranky DH and toddler in the car!
You are the hatching queen!

Part of the quail deal is a Sportman Incubator that I will be picking up in about two weeks. I will probably be hatching non stop to fill a monthly quail obligation plus to be able to create a food source and replenish the old or eaten. I've got 240 waiting to incubate. I LOVE hatching.

That's so sad... thank you for playing a part in helping them.

That is very sad. When I was a kid I remember seeing homes in Mexico made out of thing we consider to be trash, such as bud light boxes and things of that nature. When we traveled, instead of eating in big fancy diners, we bought food at the markets and would pay a family in the village to prepare it. My parents always got enough to feed their family too. My parents only bought hand crafted souvenirs from the people in the village near where we vacationed. Its been years since I've been back there, but my dad still goes and takes things to the people there. As a kid, I grew up having a lot of nice things and my mom used to tell me about people who were less fortunate and I really couldn't imagine anyone with less than we had until I saw it myself. It really made me appreciate the things my parents did for me growing up. I'm happy to know others who help people in need too.

I don't know if you have a "Savers" thrift shop near you, but Mondays is 99¢ day. Sometimes you can find blankets.
Tucson Tofu-- I don't want it to sound like I am some great person for working down there. I'm not. The border is only about 20 minutes from here, including the line. I went down the first time just to check it out since my friends run a mission (Cuirim Outreach-it's on facebook if anyone is interested) in the neighborhood. I couldn't help but be profoundly affected. Those people are amazing. I am the one that receives the blessing. We did a big Thanksgiving dinner for the ministry workers down there. We brought them tons of Bibles, beans, and rice. I was talking to the only guy that speaks English, and he told me they couldn't wait to take some of that stuff down to Navajoa. He said, "Those people are really poor." HUH??? They don't have running water, and he doesn't think he's poor? Some people say it is dangerous, but I doubt it is any more dangerous than where I live in Rio Rico. With the illegals that come through here, there are a whole lot of drug runners and bad stuff. We had a bullet come flying through our kitchen window a couple of years ago. I can't see Mexico being more dangerous than that.

NoSkiveez-- you are exactly right! I didn't know about the dollar days at Savers. They have a couple in Tucson. I have only been once. I will have to check it out if I am ever up that way on Monday. It's right by the Costco I go to. Thanks!

BTW, I saw one house down there with chickens. They were the scrawniest little things, but the eggs would be wonderful if you could keep someone from stealing them!
NoSkiveez, my bators are cabinet style, like a Sportsman's, I really like 'em. You have a tremendous quail obligation, needing to hatch that many.

Sorry for your continued losses. Very discouraging.

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