Arizona Chickens

Anyone with turkeys getting eggs right now? Had a large pointed speckled egg show up in the turkey coop.

This time of year is when mine have mostly stopped laying, but I have one Royal Palm and one Slate hen that are still laying. Kind of late in the season for them.
Yeah, well, feed stores are notorious for having employees that don't know diddly-squat about the birds they are selling.

Angers me. It's not that hard to write the info down. They have bad management and customer service is just about done in most places. The Ace Hardware in Chandler that was recommended to me here on BYC is AWESOME btw. A young kid helped me and had those gauges and stuff in his ears. I'll admit I judged right at first but this kid changed that real quick. Very knowledgeable, respectful and even gave me some little bedding pellets and chick food for the ride home.
If I could get some help please I'd appreciate it. I'd rather ask here than look it up on another forum.

My 1 year old Light Brahma (dubbed Hairy Foot) has something going on with her rear end. I noticed it a day ago but I figured she just got into the rabbit food and got the runs or something. I checked just a few ago and it's still there. I layed her on her side and removed a clump of what seemed to be hardened poo but there is something going on. It's not pretty to look at but I don't know what I'm looking at. Is she egg bound maybe? I don't want to hurt her by messing with it before actually knowing what's wrong.

If I could get some help please I'd appreciate it. I'd rather ask here than look it up on another forum.

My 1 year old Light Brahma (dubbed Hairy Foot) has something going on with her rear end. I noticed it a day ago but I figured she just got into the rabbit food and got the runs or something. I checked just a few ago and it's still there. I layed her on her side and removed a clump of what seemed to be hardened poo but there is something going on. It's not pretty to look at but I don't know what I'm looking at. Is she egg bound maybe? I don't want to hurt her by messing with it before actually knowing what's wrong.

Does she have the beginnings of a fly strike - you know where the fly lays eggs and its ugly then comes the worms?? It can be ugly.
so, thankfully i havent seen or heard coyotes since i mentioned them on the thread a few days ago. we are almost done with the rabbit wire all around and then will plan to trench for an apron or rocks, we havent decided yet. my fat dog is really bad about digging under the pen for scraps. she used to be an only dog, then a few years ago we got a puppy so she tries to eat all the dog food, and ever since we got the chickens she tries to eat their food too. she's not food aggressive, just fat and annoying.
gallo that was funny about your hen/rooster. i guess if the city tries to make me get rid of Optimus i can just say he's a hen that lays eggs, lol.
Optimus Prime, through the years - really, I cant get rid of this rooster. just the thought....

No-go on the no-crow collar for me.  My cockerel wasn't having it!  He threw himself around so bad that I thought he was going to kill himself.  I tried several times tightening it differently each time. 
My immediate neighbors don't mind him (they have triple paned windows) but he wakes me up way too early every morning so he's been sleeping in a cage in the shed.  It gets really messy!  I'm trying to decide if it's worth the hassle to try to keep him. 
He's a beautiflul Black Australorp.  His black feathers shine in the sun with purple and green and when the hens sense trouble and hide, he steps to the front to confront the perceived challenge.  He has challenged me a couple of times, but backed down with just a little stomp in his direction.  He'll eat out of my hand but keeps a respectable distance otherwise.
The shed won't work in the summer, though, so I'll have to figure something out before then.

Have you tried holding him for a 30-45 minutes after you put on the collar?  That will let him get habituated to the sensation before you put him down. 

Have you tried holding him for a 30-45 minutes after you put on the collar?  That will let him get habituated to the sensation before you put him down. 

That's exactly what I did with my little screaming roo. Had him in my lap

I might try that.  :)  thanks
I've put on 4 NO CROW Collars with success. If I can do it you all can do it too! !. First thing, place it on at night time, when they will have to stay still for a while.

Number 2, put on the no crow caller with a finger space between the collar and the birds neck. This it was advice given to me by City Farm.

Third thing let him be and he'll be okay and so will you!!.

Number 4 if you still hear him the next day you can slightly tighten it little by little each day.

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