Arizona Chickens

Hello everyone.

I am interested in starting a small coop but I cant find any information about chickens in Sierra Vista city limits other than one article dated 2011 that says they are not allowed. Can anyone help me out with the ordinance number or any other information that may be available?

Getting pretty bitter about it and if it isnt allowed, any info on a committee that may be working to overturn this would be great too if it is still in place. :)

Thank you so much!
Hello everyone.

I am interested in starting a small coop but I cant find any information about chickens in Sierra Vista city limits other than one article dated 2011 that says they are not allowed. Can anyone help me out with the ordinance number or any other information that may be available?

Getting pretty bitter about it and if it isnt allowed, any info on a committee that may be working to overturn this would be great too if it is still in place. :)

Thank you so much!
I would call your city and ask them. They are the ones that should know all the rules and regs.
That would likely work with him too. He's really smart. I just don't have the knowledge to set one up. Guess that will be a future project.
Tractor Supply has leaflets near the electric fence supplies that should tell you how to set it up. You can also find a lot of info if you google it. Basically just remember that the hot wire has to make a complete circuit, i.e. can't just run out there and quit, the wire has to make a loop. Also you need to ground it well by pounding at least thick rebar or preferably a copper grounding rod at least 4 feet in the ground. Make sure nothing is touching the wires any where to break the circuit and you should be good to go. In our dry climate I water the ground rod and around under the fence line sometimes when it is really dry and no rain for months. That helps keep a good circuit going when an animal touches the wire.
Hello everyone.

I am interested in starting a small coop but I cant find any information about chickens in Sierra Vista city limits other than one article dated 2011 that says they are not allowed. Can anyone help me out with the ordinance number or any other information that may be available?

Getting pretty bitter about it and if it isnt allowed, any info on a committee that may be working to overturn this would be great too if it is still in place. :)

Thank you so much!
Hi I got the information I needed by contacting the arizona department of agriculture
Quote: Quote:
Thanks guys. I actually do plan to make these calls come Monday. I'm just having a hard time believing that this information cant be found online. I've been clicking through every ordinance on the citys website trying to find it with no luck. (Perhaps it has expired or something? Fingers crossed!!)
I was hoping someone in my area could tell me a little more about it in the mean time. If not I'll just have to wait till office hours which is going to be REALLY hard! (Im sure some of you people were just as excited starting out. :p)
Thanks guys. I actually do plan to make these calls come Monday. I'm just having a hard time believing that this information cant be found online. I've been clicking through every ordinance on the citys website trying to find it with no luck. (Perhaps it has expired or something? Fingers crossed!!)
I was hoping someone in my area could tell me a little more about it in the mean time. If not I'll just have to wait till office hours which is going to be REALLY hard! (Im sure some of you people were just as excited starting out. :p)
I am lucky in the part that I live outside city limits on 5 acres and don't have the same restrictions as city peeps
Woohoo! First egg ever!!! It's small...only 1.09 ounces...but it's a start!

Hello everyone.

I am interested in starting a small coop but I cant find any information about chickens in Sierra Vista city limits other than one article dated 2011 that says they are not allowed. Can anyone help me out with the ordinance number or any other information that may be available?

Getting pretty bitter about it and if it isnt allowed, any info on a committee that may be working to overturn this would be great too if it is still in place. :)

Thank you so much!

I am sure you can have chickens.. But have no idea..
What breed are you wanting?

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