Arizona Chickens

I caught Jacqueline our Muscovy on the nest this morning... Hopefully she will quit freeloading soon.. I did put some fake egg's out there for them. Lauren our Swedish is still giving us 4-5 egg's a week.. She is a laying machine..
On to other news, blondie decided to go broody, which got her put in time out! So I decided to let her out with the flock while they free ranged yesterday. She goes over to Cheryl and "mounts" her, I'm like what??!! Mean chicken Cheryl was just minding her business scratching in the dirt.. So back in time out for you blondie.. Hopefully the time out for 2 more day's will make her think twice about sitting on the fake egg's & being rude to others.. The saga continues..:idunno
Yes some drying out time would be nice! I've had standing water in the yard and the chickens' run. I mucked out all the wet bedding but all the new bedding is now soaked and muddy too. My large compost bins are full so I've just piled it up in the run.

I'm sure they will have a blast in their new home. How old are they?
About 7 weeks, I think...lost count! Crossing my fingers still that they are all hens...three from sexed stock, and one straight run. All sweet chickens so far. Blondie, Brownie, Alice and Matilda the Hun. Matilda is the head cheese at present...a bit of a bully at times, but only to make sure everyone else stays in line! I'm wondering how I will be able to tell if my supposedly Ameraucana from The Stock Shop are truly Ameraucana, or Easter Eggers. No sign of cheek puffs yet...when do those develop?

I've got a few more chicks coming in April...Black Copper Marans, Columbian Wyandotte and Blue Orpingtons. I can't wait!
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Watching the clock is so much better than television..
. What breeds do you have again? And where did you get them?
Two Ameraucana and one Polish Crested (Silver Laced?)...from The Stock Shop, and a Golden Laced Wyandotte from Pratt's in Glendale. Do the patterns get more even after the next molt? The patterns on my Polish and my Wyandotte are kind of wimpy compared to the nice, even patterns of the mature birds on the internet!
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How long does a mult last? I have 2 Black Australorps that have been "multing" since early October. And i am starting to get worried. They are both about a year and a half old.
How long does a mult last? I have 2 Black Australorps that have been "multing" since early October. And i am starting to get worried. They are both about a year and a half old.
Just like everything else, time span for molt varies. three months does seem long though. Try feeding additional protein, cooked eggs, meal worms and feeder bugs from feed store etc
I'm wondering how I will be able to tell if my supposedly Ameraucana from The Stock Shop are truly Ameraucana, or Easter Eggers. No sign of cheek puffs yet...when do those develop?
What exactly is the difference between
Auracana - Americana - Easter Egger ???

I had Auracana's as a teen, and the ones I have now are supposed to be Auracana's...
but they don't look the same as the one's I had as a kid...

What exactly is the difference between
Auracana - Americana - Easter Egger ???

I had Auracana's as a teen, and the ones I have now are supposed to be Auracana's...
but they don't look the same as the one's I had as a kid...

Ameraucana and Araucana are each actual breeds on their own. Google them and you can see the physical differences. Araucana look kind of cute with their ear tufts...and lack of a tail! Ameraucana have a beard/muff, and no ear tufts. An Easter Egger is a mixed breed chicken that lays blue eggs (or color eggs such as green, tan, pink or yellow, depending on parentage). As chicken "mutts", their physical characteristics don't breed true...though they often have similar physical traits to either Ameraucana or Araucana. Check this link out at Fresh Eggs Daily:

In fact, looking at that website this evening, I'm pretty sure now I have Easter Eggers. FED says Ameraucana have BLUE legs. Another Ameraucana breeder's site said they have BLACK or SLATE legs. One of my pullets has really green legs, while the other one's legs are dark grey (maybe slate?)! Which is fine with me...I'd actually wanted EE but found them at The Stock Shop and got them anyway because they were adorable chicks!
Ameraucana and Araucana are each actual breeds on their own.  Google them and you can see the physical differences.  Araucana look kind of cute with their ear tufts...and lack of a tail!  Ameraucana have a beard/muff, and no ear tufts.  An Easter Egger is a mixed breed chicken that lays blue eggs (or color eggs such as green, tan, pink or yellow, depending on parentage).  As chicken "mutts", their physical characteristics don't breed true...though they often have similar physical traits to either Ameraucana or Araucana.  Check this link out at Fresh Eggs Daily:

In fact, looking at that website this evening, I'm pretty sure now I have Easter Eggers.  FED says Ameraucana have BLUE legs.  Another Ameraucana breeder's site said they have BLACK or SLATE legs.  One of my pullets has really green legs, while the other one's legs are dark grey (maybe slate?)!  Which is fine with me...I'd actually wanted EE but found them at The Stock Shop and got them anyway because they were adorable chicks!
there's a thread here on BYC you can post pics on and get help identifying them
Watching the clock is so much better than television.. :frow . What breeds do you have again? And where did you get them?

Two Ameraucana and one Polish Crested (Silver Laced?)...from The Stock Shop, and a Golden Laced Wyandotte from Pratt's in Glendale.  Do the patterns get more even after the next molt?  The patterns on my Polish and my Wyandotte are kind of wimpy compared to the nice, even patterns of the mature birds on the internet!

Yes, their feathers will be in a constant change..

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