Arizona Chickens

@BlueBaby wish I had weeds like that close to my chicken yard!! We bring what few we get into the yard for perusal - some rejected some not. I have a bit of purslane (sp?) which they love - maybe I'll get that tomorrow. I always hope there is a bit of seed that will make it and grow!!

A lot of the weed's that was growing there had those sticker's on them. I knew that hubby was about ready to spray weed killer in that general area so that he can drag the yard again after the weed's die. I decided that I didn't want him to spray the stuff too close to my chicken's.
Hi all :frow

I have been insanely busy lately, animals and family needs along with work. I think it's finally going to slow down a bit.

What's everyone up to besides weeding? I have to rake the yard and clean the coop after a half day at work today. It's supposed to be a beautiful day today, I'm looking forward to getting out thete and doing some physical work.

Skipping my work luncheon for the holidays, I live on the west side and the office is in Chandler :sick

Got ham hocks and beans in the oven for dinner.

We're not in to the holidays at all this year. Igor hasn't even put up the lights and I'm not sure he's going to. I'll have to work on him this weekend. He said now he understands why his grandparents had a fake's less expensive. I want a real tree darn it!

Anyway, have a great day everyone!:)
Hi all :frow

I have been insanely busy lately, animals and family needs along with work. I think it's finally going to slow down a bit.

What's everyone up to besides weeding? I have to rake the yard and clean the coop after a half day at work today. It's supposed to be a beautiful day today, I'm looking forward to getting out thete and doing some physical work.

Skipping my work luncheon for the holidays, I live on the west side and the office is in Chandler :sick

Got ham hocks and beans in the oven for dinner.

We're not in to the holidays at all this year. Igor hasn't even put up the lights and I'm not sure he's going to. I'll have to work on him this weekend. He said now he understands why his grandparents had a fake's less expensive. I want a real tree darn it!

Anyway, have a great day everyone!:)

Things are pretty good here! Preparing for the rain on Thursday and Friday, Thursday night I'm gonna carry 20 chickens into the coop after dark since it might rain all night

My persuasive speech went well got rave reviews and opened people's eyes to the truth in chicken factories.

My silent clip video is up on my channel I played it for an attention getter/what chickens are really like, at the same time I played jingle bells trap music it coordinated great!

Oh and I won on BYC story contest for my mohawkie/bobcat story!

Hi all :frow

I have been insanely busy lately, animals and family needs along with work. I think it's finally going to slow down a bit.

What's everyone up to besides weeding? I have to rake the yard and clean the coop after a half day at work today. It's supposed to be a beautiful day today, I'm looking forward to getting out thete and doing some physical work.

Skipping my work luncheon for the holidays, I live on the west side and the office is in Chandler :sick

Got ham hocks and beans in the oven for dinner.

We're not in to the holidays at all this year. Igor hasn't even put up the lights and I'm not sure he's going to. I'll have to work on him this weekend. He said now he understands why his grandparents had a fake's less expensive. I want a real tree darn it!

Anyway, have a great day everyone!:)

I still have a few more feathers and that to clean out of the inside of the coop and run yet. Then my hatching egg's will go into lock-down on Saturday.

I can see why you don't want to drive into town during the holiday time. I've been watching the new's and seeing how nut's it has been out there. People stealing delivered packages and Christmas yard decorations, and even crashing into store front's so that they can steal stuff inside of the store. Oh, and vandalizing/breaking the statues inside of a church.
I still have a few more feathers and that to clean out of the inside of the coop and run yet. Then my hatching egg's will go into lock-down on Saturday.

I can see why you don't want to drive into town during the holiday time. I've been watching the new's and seeing how nut's it has been out there. People stealing delivered packages and Christmas yard decorations, and even crashing into store front's so that they can steal stuff inside of the store. Oh, and vandalizing/breaking the statues inside of a church.

I'm not surprised by the news, try not to watch it too much. It's depressing most of the time. I only watch enough to have a general idea of what's happening in the world.
I'm not surprised by the news, try not to watch it too much. It's depressing most of the time. I only watch enough to have a general idea of what's happening in the world.

Hubby turn's the new's on, and then I have to wait until it get's to the weather, but seeing the rest of what is happening, I know what area's to stay away from, and if the trouble get's too close to where I am I can be prepared.
I only watch enough to have a general idea of what's happening in the world.
I fine tune my viewing even more. Only interested what the weather will be next 2 days. Their predictions further than 3 days in advance are only guesses that keep changing.
Rest of the news is like " Don Henley's Dirty Laundry"

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