Arizona Chickens

My chicks never come in the house. When they hatch, they are put in a brooder outside. When they outgrow that, they are put in a pen or a large dog kennel (covered in chicken wire) in with all of the other chickens.

As long as they have shade and plenty of water, they will be fine.

Good luck!!

WELL- the DH wants to put in a solar fan (with fancy, high-tech electronic temperature limit switches) so...the chicks will stay inside for now.

DH always plans big, but might drag feet a little. Currently it is too hot for him to go out and work on the coop.

I'd go out there and do it, but then I'd get told it was wrong, and he'd have to re-do it...Oh wait...I have found my solution!
I'm going to repeat myself here, but it's 254 pages later so...

People have been raising chickens in AZ long before ANYBODY had AC or fans. If they had been hatched by a hen they would be running around outside and they would be fine.

If they have a shaded run where they can catch the breeze, plenty of water and dog kennel or something to get away from rain they are happy. I would close mine up at night when they were babies but as soon as they have feathers they want to sleep outside.

But, on the other hand, a high-tech chicken coop would AWESOME!
yeah I know...I garden pretty heavily and have to shake my head when my neighbors worry about "how long they have" until they need to put one of my pumpkins in the fridge.

"Should I run home now and stick it in the fridge?"

"Umm...pumpkins grow outside, and you watched me pick it...."

I kinda feel the same way about animals...but it does seem cruel just to stick little chickies outside when they have been coddled so far.

A high-tech coop would be sweet. now if DH could get it to clean itself...
My chickens do not have AC, a 'wading pool' or other fancy things.

They are outside in a completely open run with extra shade (old boards) on top. They have 2 different water sources, a durabilt nesting box (works AWESOME! - My nesting box ) and I wet down half the run in the morning. Their run is up against my brick fence, and under the shade of my 2 trees. So far, so good!
Heelers&Chickens_OhMy :

My chickens do not have AC, a 'wading pool' or other fancy things.

They are outside in a completely open run with extra shade (old boards) on top. They have 2 different water sources, a durabilt nesting box (works AWESOME! - My nesting box ) and I wet down half the run in the morning. Their run is up against my brick fence, and under the shade of my 2 trees. So far, so good!

I don't know why they call that box "multi-use", it looks like it's only good for a nesting box to me!
My girls love to stand in the tub of water and cool their feet, they will go to sleep standing in the water. That has got to feel soooooo good. The tubs rinse out is so easy. You are bringing fresh water to them anyhow, just rinse off the rocks the tub, dump it, rinse it and your good to go. Replace rocks. You only need rocks if you have babies.


Mr. Peep getting ready to jump in.
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We have big bowls for their drinking water and as soon as we bring in clean water, one of them will jump in and soak their feet.

We are working on a different waterer, but for now it is keeping them cool.
I think that if you start them outside, they do well. I agree with angie. I have never hatched any chicks but have gotten 2 day old's. I got them in th winter so I would put them out during the day, where they could be in the sun and also shade if they needed. when it started to cool off I brought them back into the house. When they got stinky I moved them out to a hutch with a heat light. They did just fine. weather got warmer, chicks got bigger, heat lamp went away. The End:caf
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