Arizona Chickens

the ducklings came this morning at 8:30am!!!!!!!!! i love holderreads!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it was overnight shipping. i brought them home and the fireman opened the box
and they were all alive!!!!!!!! i quickly set up a brooder and started pulling ducklings out and dipping bills into the waterer, he said "wait a minute, there are 17 in this box??????" um, not anymore. they are in this box! they sent a few extra, i couldn't possibly have ordered that many. so i received welsh harlequins, white magpies and silver appleyards. i sold 2 this morning. better hurry and clean out the growout pen.

and yes, i have duck pools and wading dishes. lucky duck was just pushing her luck. maybe she was annoyed that i have a fence around the people pool that the stupid basque keep flying into and she can't figure out how they get in and she can't.

memphis, bring me that goose. we'll pass it off for a pekin and you can have one of my loverly scovy drakes.
the ducklings came this morning at 8:30am!!!!!!!!! i love holderreads!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it was overnight shipping. i brought them home and the fireman opened the box
and they were all alive!!!!!!!! i quickly set up a brooder and started pulling ducklings out and dipping bills into the waterer, he said "wait a minute, there are 17 in this box??????" um, not anymore. they are in this box! they sent a few extra, i couldn't possibly have ordered that many. so i received welsh harlequins, white magpies and silver appleyards. i sold 2 this morning. better hurry and clean out the growout pen.

and yes, i have duck pools and wading dishes. lucky duck was just pushing her luck. maybe she was annoyed that i have a fence around the people pool that the stupid basque keep flying into and she can't figure out how they get in and she can't.

memphis, bring me that goose. we'll pass it off for a pekin and you can have one of my loverly scovy drakes.
Did you see the story I posted? It was dedicated to PastryMamaDucks, even if I didn't say so
Ok, so most of you don't post when your girls lay an egg, but I can't help it!!! Today is the first time that I have gotten a bakers dozen and I am expecting 2-3 more eggs today. So the bakers dozen didn't just happen today but over a bakers dozen since Sunday. Used to take my two girls two weeks to make me a dozen and it's only taken three days. Whoop whoop. Here's my variety. Time to get my friends and family to save up them cartons.

Isn't it eggciting! We were so proud of our first egg not quite a month ago and now we have plenty! I'm donating the eggs for our Friday morning breakfast at work now! Nothing better than fresh eggs for breakfast!
Does anyone have any ideas as to why a 3 yr old Buff Orpington rooster's feathers would suddenly start looking more like fur than feathers? Could it be the heat?
Well, we had to send Cruella to a more fitting home today. Now we only have 5 laying hens, but Cruella being true to her character was just too mean to the new young ladies! She would constantly chase and peck at the young birds and actually pull feathers out of my GSL's back! You don't know how much I wanted to make a beer can chicken out of her, but she is living safely and happy at my wife's aunt's ranch with about 20 other chickens. Let's see how the pecking order works out now, you little !#$%^! What goes around comes around. Now the hens are all getting alone blissfully well!
Did you see the story I posted? It was dedicated to PastryMamaDucks, even if I didn't say so
yes, i saw it. i am very certain if i tried that, i would be living with YOU!!!!!!!!!! very funny story. was it an autobiography?

chicken math quickly turns to duck math which turns to um, a gaggle of geese???????? to be continued................
the ducklings came this morning at 8:30am!!!!!!!!! i love holderreads!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it was overnight shipping. i brought them home and the fireman opened the box
and they were all alive!!!!!!!! i quickly set up a brooder and started pulling ducklings out and dipping bills into the waterer, he said "wait a minute, there are 17 in this box??????" um, not anymore. they are in this box! they sent a few extra, i couldn't possibly have ordered that many. so i received welsh harlequins, white magpies and silver appleyards. i sold 2 this morning. better hurry and clean out the growout pen.

and yes, i have duck pools and wading dishes. lucky duck was just pushing her luck. maybe she was annoyed that i have a fence around the people pool that the stupid basque keep flying into and she can't figure out how they get in and she can't.

memphis, bring me that goose. we'll pass it off for a pekin and you can have one of my loverly scovy drakes.
That is awesome. I am so excited for you. I cant wait to see them. I would love to bring the goose to you but it has made BFF with the girls.
Memphis- That baby Goose is just too cute!!! I sometimes see Guinea eggs for sell on the BST threads here. You could hatch some out for her.

Mikey- Glad to hear your Hen is better!! I love Tylan also...I heard Denagard is even better. (no withdrawl time, won't create resistant strands) I bought some, but luckily no one has gotten sick since it came.
Sonoran gave me some denegard but I've been sticking with what works.

Tammy was the one that carried her through this time,

Have I mentioned what a great wife I have?

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