Army - Care Package

You can go to and get discounted phone cards for them, and they say you don't have to be military to donate them to the troops.
Books, sauces (I believe saddina covered this...) Because adding flavor to any MRE makes for a better meal, cards, dominoes... Lotion etc. Stuff that isn't readily available in the middle of nowhere. But food and entertainment should be high on your list.
Do be aware however, there are many restrictions on what kind of magazines, movies, books, pictures are permitted to be sent. These soldiers are serving in Muslim countries, and there are a number of forbidden items. Someone else said something about sending a package to their dad- if he is military they will have the list. My husband retired about 5 years ago, so I am not specific on the list anymore, I do know that there is one though.
yes, nothing risque, nothing containing consumable alcohol... avoid sending anything containing pork
Don't send chocolate that can melt, it will. I hate to say this but cigarettes are great because the guys trade all sorts of good stuff for them. Wipe-ems
Check out the website They will have a list of all the do's and dont's on mailing your pkg.
The drink mixes are a REALLY big deal to them. Hard candy is great too.

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