arrgh, 5 roos out of 6 straight-run chicks (vent)


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I got 6 straight-run Golden Campine chicks from a small canadian hatchery.

As of last week (1 month old), 4 of them were crowing their fool heads off. Fortunately I found someone who really wanted campines, although he was actually looking for silvers not golds, and sold them. I kept one definite hen and one that I thought was questionable but that the chicken-breeder guy, when he came to pick up the cockerels, agreed was probably a pullet.

The pullet crowed 3 times this morning

So now I am emailing him to see if he would like one more, and if not I guess I will have to be putting up notices on feedstore bulletinboards after all.

Sheesh! I know the odds are just 1 in 32, which is not THAT unlikely, but, grrr. I wish number five had at least announced itself last week and saved me having to do this all over again

At least you got a pullet. I got 5 straight run roos when I bought 5 straight runs last month. EEKS! Now to rehome them
eeps!!!!! I bought 15 Delaware pullets and have one rooster.

Bought 17 straight run Cuckoo Marans and 15 straight run Welsummers, because I wanted to be sure to get a rooster. I don't know yet if I got more than I bargained for or not.
Do they take the roos that are left over from when they sex for pullets and ADD them to the other st. run chicks??? It'd be interesting to know exactly how they do what they do
Do they take the roos that are left over from when they sex for pullets and ADD them to the other st. run chicks???

I just wondering the same thing. Does anybody know?

Well, I guess it could be a dirty little secret.

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