Arrowhead block swap

Thank you Ladies! I just have to get over, I don't know what, it's not fear, but maybe reluctance to start quilting. It just seems so daunting to me! I think I need to start with a small quilt. I will go get my "stash" and see what I can do.
I need to finish this swap first! I appreciate all of you Ladies and your willingness to help.

I do the same way with new things - I just put it off. For me it's my perfectionism creeping in - I'm hesitant because I'm not sure I can do it 'right'. I was told in a class once on FMQ that I need to relax and just go at it. The only way it's not right is if I'm too uptight about it for it to be fun. So go just have fun. Finished is way better than perfect!
I do that too the fear of messing it up, but stitch in the ditch, wash after quilt is all finished, it puffs up to hide many mistakes!!!!

That is like my FMQing in the LA looks fine, you just know how far off the pattern you were, just takes practice.
Ladies just a thought, think about this. After the next block swap, what about we all decide to do the same quilt pattern, no trading of blocks, just deadlines of different stages of the pattern.

This is something I'm going to work on, it is not hard, it is two blocks, looks difficult and this is just an idea, any pattern can do as long as we all work on the same pattern,


That way we get to help each other along the whole process.

That sounds like a great idea - in fact I just bought this pattern wanting to do it. It looks complicated but I've been assured it is not -
That sounds like a great idea - in fact I just bought this pattern wanting to do it. It looks complicated but I've been assured it is not -
You are talking about the pattern I posted above? The picture I posted was made by a lady on another forum, she said it was the best instructions and the blocks went together very nicely came out to what the pattern said. but her only suggestion is label your cuts, said it is so easy to get them mixed up.
Ladies just a thought, think about this. After the next block swap, what about we all decide to do the same quilt pattern, no trading of blocks, just deadlines of different stages of the pattern.

This is something I'm going to work on, it is not hard, it is two blocks, looks difficult and this is just an idea, any pattern can do as long as we all work on the same pattern,


That way we get to help each other along the whole process.
@katsdar I have been thinking about this one also, but have been afraid to try it on my own. This sounds like a great idea to me I love this quilt.

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