Ascites?? Swollen, squishy abdomen - WITH PICS & VIDEO (page 9)

So sorry you are having to go through this with Ruby! It is so heartbreaking!! I would say just keep her warm inside and let her rest tonight. She can build up some energy and maybe you can get something down her tomorrow. If you have a syringe without a needle that would really help you. Just drip water on the top of her beak and she will naturally drink it. See if she would take a small piece of bread because you could then soak it in some yogurt. Do you have any vitamin/electrolyte drops. I get mine at TSC. Please let us know how she is doing!! Saying prayers for you and Ruby.
tamtam84-Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, but unfortunately my Ruby passed away yesterday. She did fight the good fight. I'm just glad she doesn't have to go thru this anymore.
arkansaschick- Thank you too, your suggestions were very helpful. It's so comforting to know that I can get such helpful info from people who have experienced the same things.

When we decided to have a few chickens I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd become so attached; that they had such wonderful personalities. That they would even like me back. I'm the richer for this experience. Even though it can be heartbreaking, I'm willing to take these chances.

Sorry that you had a similar experience with Aster, at least we both now know they can pull thru if we just take a little time to comfort.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year!

My Ruby Q - Guardian of the backyard.
I am so sorry to hear about Ruby! She was a beautiful girl! She was blessed to have you,it sounds like you loved her very much. I understand exactly what you are talking about. It was my 12 year old daughter who wanted the chickens and I could never have imagined that I would become so attached. I have had chickens for four years now and I am so blessed by their presence in my life. No matter what life throws my way I can go sit out and spend time with the girls and they bring me so much peace and happiness! If your ever have questions about anything please get in touch. It is nice to have other chicken people around to help. Again so sorry for your loss :(
Oh no, I am so sorry about Ruby! I completely understand about getting attached to your chickens. I had no idea I would fall so hard for them! I don't have any children, so they really are like my kids right now. They mean so much to me, it's hard to put into words sometimes.

Ruby Q was such a cutie and I know she realized how much you loved her. My grandma always tells me love is the strongest emotion, it doesn't matter if it's from a human or from an animal. Love is love.

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts because I know how hard the first few days will be. Luckily I am at a point now where I can be happy when I think about Buttercup and not feel sad.

I hope you have a great holiday season with your family. Take care!
Tamtam84, How often did you end up having to drain Buttercup? I think my Rosie is starting to refill already. Worried because that just seem very fast to refill. I have to see about trying the milk thistle seed and see if that helps her. Just curious to know if this too soon to be refilling. Thanks for all your help thus far! Xxxx
At the beginning, we didn't have to drain her all that often. I think maybe once every couple months. As it went on, we had to drain her more often because she did fill up faster. We wouldn't drain her if there was only a little fluid and I tried to wait as long as I could in between drainings. I'd say if Rosie is really full and looking uncomfortable, go ahead and drain her again. It can be hard on them if you drain all the fluid out, so she may need a little longer to recoup regain strength after the last draining. But if it's getting bad already, maybe just drain a little bit off to make her more comfortable.

I did try the milk thistle with Buttercup for a few weeks, but it was so hard to get her to take it and I didn't see any benefit so I stopped. It may be something you have to keep up for a while before you notice any benefit. If you're willing, I think it would be worth a try. Best of luck - I hope Rosie gets better soon!

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