At my wits end with this little duckling! šŸ†˜


Call Duck obsessed! šŸ¦†šŸ’•
Mar 14, 2020
Ok Iā€™m calling in reinforcements! She is one of the reasons Iā€™ve been so busy lately. Iā€™ve just about had it with this poor little call duckling. She has had so many issues since hatch. :barnie

This is the story of Lucy the unlucky/unhealthy duckling. Lucy is a blue bibbed call duckling.

It all started when Lucy was hatched via broody on October 18, 2021. She started off life as a normal duckling. My broody little bib was quite the spunky thing so I tried not to interfere other than adding fresh food and water 2 times a day. On October 30, their mom decided she wasnā€™t that interested. It was growing colder so I moved the babies into the house. I noticed immediately upon moving them that Lucyā€™s legs were starting to bow and she was sitting very frequently. I began treating her for a niacin deficiency. I was giving 1/2 a ml of the cattle b vitamin once daily (orally by syringe). I have continued this and she has gotten slightly better. She can walk for longer periods without falling down. Now though, her feet overlap bad and she trips. She is still sitting down frequently and gets tired easily. She feels lighter than her sibling and is much smaller, even her eyes look smaller and less round. When you pick her up you can feel her hip bones stick out. As of 2 days ago I now notice she is developing severe angel wing on one side. Her poor wing sticks out so badly. I am going to wrap it tonight since I just let her swim. I have treated and corrected angel wing once before but never have I seen it this bad. Iā€™ve tried water therapy to try and get her to use her legs more. Is it possible that this is a genetic issue? This is the first hatch from that broody. The sibling is completely normal with no issues whatsoever. They live in the same area, eat, and drink the same. The vitamin B really isnā€™t seeming to work as well as I thought. Is it possible I caught it too late? I am just so busy with work that the constant care she needs is wearing me down. I have to clean her once a day because she will sit down a lot of the time and not even stand up to poop. She has really bad diarrhea most of the time while her hatch mate has normal poop. She will completely soil herself. I feel so bad and Iā€™m not sure what else to try. In all my years of duck raising, not once have I had this many issues with a single duckling. Should I continue with the vitamin B or is it not worth trying anymore? Is there anything else I can do? I really want Lucy to live a normal life. The snowy in the photo is her hatch mate that lives with her. Thanks in advance, I appreciate any help. I really have been trying my best but I feel like a horrible duck momma. :hmm:barnie

P.s. they have been eating Purina flock raiser since hatch and had electrolytes for the first 2 days of their life. This is what I do with all my ducklings, I just feel so bad like I could have done something to prevent her issues. :he

Hereā€™s some pictures of her you can notice her stance in the second to last photo. She walks with her tail feathers parallel to the floor:

Sorry for the rant. Hopefully I will be around on BYC more now, Iā€™ve just been so darn busy lately.

If any of you could provide your expertise when you get a chance I would very much appreciate it.

@WVduckchick , @casportpony , @Isaac 0 , @Miss Lydia , @shawluvsbirds , @HeatherKellyB and anyone else that can help.
I was so hoping since you hadn't posted anything new about Lucy that things were going well.
[Usually, the B complex brings them around pretty quick are you doing 1 ml now?]
Def wrap that wing. You could cut a stocking or sock and put it over her if wrapping doesn't work.
I wish I could say what was going on with her, it could very well be genetic. It's just so darn hard to know.
Does she have a good appetite?
I wonder if you made her little shoes to keep her feet aligned properly if that would help?
Are her legs still bowed?
I honestly can't tell you what you should do you are there with her and see her struggles. Hopefully some of the others you have tagged can help.

Your description of how she walks with her tail dragging the floor, it just how my oldest Muscovy walks big difference in age though Ruth will be 14 in Feb. But her legs are weak. This is probably why Lucy walks like she does.
I was so hoping since you hadn't posted anything new about Lucy that things were going well.
Usually, the B complex brings them around pretty quick are you doing 1 ml now?
Def wrap that wing.
I wish I could say what was going on with her, it could very well be genetic. It's just so darn hard to know.
Does she have a good appetite?
I wonder if you made her little shoes to keep her feet aligned properly if that would help?
Are her legs still bowed?
I honestly can't tell you what you should do you are there with her and see her struggles. Hopefully some of the others you have tagged can help.
Thank you so much for the reply. You always help me out so much. :hugs

Yes I started giving 1 ml after the second week. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been giving currently. I still havenā€™t seen much improvement. :hmm

Iā€™ll try to get a video of her walking if I can. I just got done wrapping the wing and I have them sleeping in my room tonight. Can you tell Iā€™m a crazy duck lady! :gig

She has a really good appetite and eats as much as her sibling. Iā€™m not sure why she has watery poop/diarrhea most of the time. She drinks well too. I think the shoes could be a good idea, I might look into that more. Her legs are still bowed. Itā€™s not as noticeable in the picture as it is in person. I will try to get a picture that shows it more. :(

I feel so bad that the little girl is struggling so much. šŸ˜¢
Maggie (my black bibbed Call) had AW like that. She could escape any wrap I tried. Shaw convinced me to try tape and that held, but I wasn't aggressive enough early enough. Looks like you still have time with her AW.
Luckily she doesnā€™t fight back much and I was able to easily wrap her wing. I used vet wrap and blue painters tape to hold it.

My first (and only) prior angel wing experience was with my little blue fawn hen (Mustard). She could get the wrap right off and screamed bloody murder whenever I attempted to wrap herā€¦ she has always been the drama queen. Iā€™m just glad it corrected! :th:oops:

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