At my wits end with this little duckling! šŸ†˜

In this photo you can kind of see what I was talking about with the shape of her eye. Itā€™s not round and you can see the inner corner. Again there is a comparison photo of her sibling (second photo)View attachment 2912845View attachment 2912844
I don't know if you remember me posting a picture of Miley, my Magpie Call, or not but her nictitating membrane is very noticeable. It's been a while since I posted the picture but it's still like that. It doesn't look as bad and that maybe because I'm used to seeing it. She doesn't have any problems, from what I can tell. She's definitely able to see well with both eyes and both of her eyes are like this, although one is barely noticeable. She's my wildest duck. I also thought she was teeny tiny but I decided to weigh her yesterday and she's not as small as I thought. She weighed 1lb 2ozs. Her sister, Maggie, is also small but larger than Miley was only 5ozs heavier. This was shocking and very surprising to me because I've been thinking this for months now. Hopefully that's the case with Lucy.

Miley during her awkward stage šŸ˜‚
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B vitamins are most likely not working well because the problem is not associated with a B vitamin ( or niacin) deficit. Call ducks are unlikely to be affected by this due to their relatively slow-growing rate in contrast to breeds like Pekins that are.
I would nonetheless continue B vitamin supplementation, but consider additional broad-spectrum vitamin administration to address other deficits that could be at play (calcium, vitamin D, phosphorous, among many more. The latter conditions mentioned can onset musculoskeletal deformities that can appear similar to a niacin deficit such as varus/valgus, and rickets. Some are genetic in nature and can not be fixed, unfortunately.
Leg issues can be hard to treat. I think the other suggestions posted would be a good idea to implement.

Tube feeding can be hard with younger birds. I would more so encourage eating by offering her moist feed, or mashed scrambled eggs often. In the case her weight declines, tube feeding would need to be introduced.
I think it was @HollowOfWisps that rec. poultry cell? Maybe something to add along with the B complex? I'll let her give rec on this one.
Yes I absolutely LOVE Poultry Cell and it is my first go to because it not only has 50mg of Niacin per fluid ounce along with other B vitamins, but it also contains many other necessary vitamins and nutrients. I keep Durvet's B complex on hand, but I honestly never even use it because Poultry Cell always seems to do the trick.
Yes I absolutely LOVE Poultry Cell and it is my first go to because it not only has 50mg of Niacin per fluid ounce along with other B vitamins, but it also contains many other necessary vitamins and nutrients. I keep Durvet's B complex on hand, but I honestly never even use it because Poultry Cell always seems to do the trick.
View attachment 2913038
Ok when I looked online this is what it said about that:
Cell-cultured, or laboratory-grown, meat and poultry, are products that are derived from animal cells that have been biopsied or otherwise removed from animals, then grown in sterile laboratory environments and manipulated to mimic meat products from traditionally slaughtered animals.
It was shockingly interesting and a little gross. I'm glad it works.
Ok Iā€™m calling in reinforcements! She is one of the reasons Iā€™ve been so busy lately. Iā€™ve just about had it with this poor little call duckling. She has had so many issues since hatch. :barnie

This is the story of Lucy the unlucky/unhealthy duckling. Lucy is a blue bibbed call duckling.

It all started when Lucy was hatched via broody on October 18, 2021. She started off life as a normal duckling. My broody little bib was quite the spunky thing so I tried not to interfere other than adding fresh food and water 2 times a day. On October 30, their mom decided she wasnā€™t that interested. It was growing colder so I moved the babies into the house. I noticed immediately upon moving them that Lucyā€™s legs were starting to bow and she was sitting very frequently. I began treating her for a niacin deficiency. I was giving 1/2 a ml of the cattle b vitamin once daily (orally by syringe). I have continued this and she has gotten slightly better. She can walk for longer periods without falling down. Now though, her feet overlap bad and she trips. She is still sitting down frequently and gets tired easily. She feels lighter than her sibling and is much smaller, even her eyes look smaller and less round. When you pick her up you can feel her hip bones stick out. As of 2 days ago I now notice she is developing severe angel wing on one side. Her poor wing sticks out so badly. I am going to wrap it tonight since I just let her swim. I have treated and corrected angel wing once before but never have I seen it this bad. Iā€™ve tried water therapy to try and get her to use her legs more. Is it possible that this is a genetic issue? This is the first hatch from that broody. The sibling is completely normal with no issues whatsoever. They live in the same area, eat, and drink the same. The vitamin B really isnā€™t seeming to work as well as I thought. Is it possible I caught it too late? I am just so busy with work that the constant care she needs is wearing me down. I have to clean her once a day because she will sit down a lot of the time and not even stand up to poop. She has really bad diarrhea most of the time while her hatch mate has normal poop. She will completely soil herself. I feel so bad and Iā€™m not sure what else to try. In all my years of duck raising, not once have I had this many issues with a single duckling. Should I continue with the vitamin B or is it not worth trying anymore? Is there anything else I can do? I really want Lucy to live a normal life. The snowy in the photo is her hatch mate that lives with her. Thanks in advance, I appreciate any help. I really have been trying my best but I feel like a horrible duck momma. :hmm:barnie

P.s. they have been eating Purina flock raiser since hatch and had electrolytes for the first 2 days of their life. This is what I do with all my ducklings, I just feel so bad like I could have done something to prevent her issues. :he

Hereā€™s some pictures of her you can notice her stance in the second to last photo. She walks with her tail feathers parallel to the floor: View attachment 2912688View attachment 2912689View attachment 2912691View attachment 2912693

Sorry for the rant. Hopefully I will be around on BYC more now, Iā€™ve just been so darn busy lately.

If any of you could provide your expertise when you get a chance I would very much appreciate it.

@WVduckchick , @casportpony , @Isaac 0 , @Miss Lydia , @shawluvsbirds , @HeatherKellyB and anyone else that can help.
sheā€™s absolutely precious. i hope sheā€™ll be okay. sending thoughts and prayers šŸ¤
Ok when I looked online this is what it said about that:
Cell-cultured, or laboratory-grown, meat and poultry, are products that are derived from animal cells that have been biopsied or otherwise removed from animals, then grown in sterile laboratory environments and manipulated to mimic meat products from traditionally slaughtered animals.
It was shockingly interesting and a little gross. I'm glad it works.

Edit: I found your exact excerpt from your post and that is something entirely different. That is in regards to lab grown meat NOT Rooster Booster's Poultry Cell which is simply a vitamin and Mineral supplement. Two very different things.

This is Rooster Booster's Poultry Cell:
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Edit: I found your exact excerpt from your post and that is something entirely different. That is in regards to lab grown meat NOT Rooster Booster's Poultry Cell which is simply a vitamin and Mineral supplement. Two very different things.
View attachment 2913090

This is Rooster Booster's Poultry Cell: Booster&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkZKNBhDiARIsAPsk0WjXyRalVYqTn1q1G4OzG_K8kl7QSi3w4ujZpBxm84VHPCfqNIfIyj4aAi1SEALw_wcB
It is strange to name something after pink slime. Maybe if it's not that they could name it differently.

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