At what age can you sex a Grey Call Duck?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Beautiful British Columbia
I hatched 1 lone grey Call duck and in the past I've sexed pekin ducks by their sound.

Does this work well for Calls?

Also at what age does their true colour come in? As I know boys and girls have different plumage colour.

I DO have a pic or two if that helps?


(Here's a couple pics...)


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You can do it by sound, but not til they are a little older. The tiny babies all sound like squeaky toys to me

Mine are just moulting and getting their male/female colors - I believe they are about three months old. I would have to look back through my files to find the notation on when they were hatched.

post your pic and I'll see if it'll help.

just for information, my males have more reddish chests than the girls do, now they are moutling, the grey feathers are replacing the brown ones, but the red chests are getting darker red. (it isn't really red, but reddish brown - more reddish than the females brown is.)

If I were forced to make a wild guess, I'd say Male, but the pics might be dif colored on my monitor than other folks (hubby plays with my color settings
) I am just guessing, so don't take my word as the rule

In reality, at that age, unless it sounds definately female, I'd say you'll have to wait a bit longer.

not much help, am I?

I tried to watch bill colors/tints, to see if that was a clue, but that didn't make a difference with mine. I know with some ducks a greenish tinted bill means a male. However, one of my female greys has a darker bill, that may look a bit green tinted,


I would say a drake (male)
Drakes have a Greenish Yellow bill and the hens should have a Brownish Orange bill..


Don't know ifyou saw my posted pictures of the grey call duckling?

Just wondering...In your experience at what age do they get their adult colouring? As the colouring of my grey call "to me" looks like a female.

I am hoping to know the sex of mine as I am going to be going to purchase some "friends" (other grey call ducklings) for my lone call. That way I will know if I'm going to need or not need a drake.

Btw, I checked out your website. NICE birds!

I exhibit my chickens and have have several breeds who are Champions, Reserve Champions,and Best in Show. Have a 4H member in the family too!
our oldest ducklings are 4 months old and just getting their adult colors...... if you know what you are listening for you can sex them by quack around 8-10 weeks. I wouldn't trust the bill is a picture of some of our gray ducklings. Notice the one in the back is getting his drake colors and he has a dark bill.


We love our chickens too!!!! lol
Thanks for your help!
Your picture of the young drake towards the back really helped. Your calls are really nice looking fowl!

I spent some extra time with my "call ducky" on the weekend.
(It LOVES following me everywhere btw) VERY cute! I am leaning towards drake, as it appears that his neck is becoming green shaded (beginnings of changing to male colours) the voice is sounding more rough like the sound my other drakes make.

So "It's a BOY". I guess I will have to get some girls for him....

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