At what age do Tom turkeys become aggressive?

Our Blue Slate heritage Tom just turned 5. We've had him since he was about 10 months old. He adopted us. He has always followed us around the yard like a dog. Last week he attacked the farmhand. (Luckily no injuries). This morning he was fine with the farmhand but lunged at me and the sunflower stalk I was carrying. He used to get along with the chickens but as of 2 years ago he began to hate them and would like to kill them. (We keep them separately.)

He's been babied and well taken care of. Never been hit or abused. He's ending a bad molt which may explain part of it - but can they really change at 5 years old?
Tom turkeys can change behavior seemingly overnight for no apparent reason. Sometimes the change in behavior can be traced to changes in the feed. Other times there just is no known reason for the behavior changes. The behavior change does not necessarily happen to all tom turkeys nor does it happen at any specific age.

Food effect on aggressive turkeys
Tom turkeys can change behavior seemingly overnight for no apparent reason. Sometimes the change in behavior can be traced to changes in the feed. Other times there just is no known reason for the behavior changes. The behavior change does not necessarily happen to all tom turkeys nor does it happen at any specific age.

Food effect on aggressive turkeys
Food has stayed the same, he gets free-range pasture time, no obvious illness or injury, appears he's getting old and cranky. It's sad. Wish I could find a way to get him back to 'normal' or find out what's upset him.
My very first time raising heritage turkeys, the tom I kept turned VERY aggressive at 8 months old. At the time I thought that was 'normal' but the displaying quickly escalated into full blown attack any time I had to be in the pen. He was a fantastic breeder...but once he flew up at my face, I made the decision to cull him, and any of his offspring that I'm growing out (they're getting processed very soon, and about half are starting to give me the hairy eye-ball).

I replaced him with a Bourbon Red tom from a nearby breeder and it's been like night and day. This boy is 18 months old and the picture of respectfully/friendly. He gives me space when I'm in the pen, never displays around me, and saves his displays for his ladies lol. Hopefully he maintains this demeanor.

I've decided that life is just too short to tolerate aggressive animals, especially 30lb birds with sharp beaks and wicked talons.

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