At what age do you wean goats???

You can also get a milk pellet.. I haven't tried it, but have several friends that have used them with some luck.
Hi ya'll,

I have two 6 week old kids, I actually had the entire family. Tragically momma died yesterday.... I think she got into some chicken feed and it created acidosis... We did everything we could to save her :(.

Now her 6 week old twins.... I'm trying to get them to bottle feed and it's not happening.... they will drink a little out of a bowl but they aren't really interested. They are eating leaves and grass really really well. How awful is it if they don't get the milk? if they are eating okay can we just consider them weaned? I've lost one goat, I don't want to lose anymore.

any suggestions?
So sorry about your momma :( It's never easy to lose one!

As for your babies, it's not the end of the world. Are you planning to keep them or will they be sold?
Either way, put them on a good quality hay. Leave them the browse. Put out a GOAT quality mineral (can be a cattle mineral, just no SHEEP minerals) free choice. If they were mine, I would also slowly put them on a goat grower type pellet as well. Just for the added calories/nutrition. They make pelleted milk replacer that some folks use that the kids will eat. You can add powdered or flaked milk replacer to their grain also, but I'm just not a real big fan of replacers unless absolutely necessary. At this age, it will be a fight and good chance they will never take a bottle. Just make sure you give them all the nutrition they need to replace that good momma milk, and your babies will be ok.
Thanks! We are keeping them. did some looking around for the milk pellets but there doesn't appear to be any in the area. Got some starter pellets that are supposed to show up tomorrow. the feed guy had to order them. He suggested making a mash outta the pellets and replacer. They already have a block and they are browsing well....

I guess the biggest battle I'll have is keeping them outta the chicken feed... Might have to split up the goat yard and chicken yard
Kids weaned a six weeks do fine as long as they are eating hay and grain. Chicken feed is not good for goats. As you found out, it can kill them.
I can totally relate to the person who said their goats are probably much better off with them than where they got them. It breaks my heart that people use and misuse animals for financial gain. I think what you "can" do and what is the "right" thing to do for moms and babies as far as weaning are sometimes very different. From what I've read and heard, it sounds like babies shouldn't be weaned until they're at least three months old.
Goats do just fine being weaned at 6 weeks as long as they are eating grass or hay. Just because they sold them young does not mean they are not good goat owners. Maybe they are , maybe they are not. But it is just as much the buyers fault for buying them without their research as it is the previous owners. I have goats and take very good care of all my goats. In my opinion, and solely my opinion based on my own experience, and not what I read from the internet. I sell my goats around 8 weeks, but would let them go at 6, if some goatlings are going together. The longer they stay with their moms and the herd, the harder it is on them when they are sold. The younger they are sold the more likely they will bond with their new owners and new goat family. It is hard to let them go at any age, but that is the way it is. And if people did not breed and sell animals then no one would have the experience and happiness that they bring. Saying they misused them because they were sold young is an opinion that may have been based on incomplete information. The goats that I keep and allow the mother to wean on her own often nurse until they are almost a year, of course they eat grass and hay throughout, but they are still nursing.
Glad to have found this thread!
I've been bottle feeding my 3 lil wethers for the last 2 months. They are about 10 weeks now. I guess I can stop now but I'm going to miss their little milk beards!
How did you manage three bottles, I have always felt guilty when weaning, I like to give them water in their bottles for a bit, I think it's to wean me off feeding them.
I pushed all 3 bottles together between my hands. I used knees, feet, and a nose if I needed to lol! Without fail I'd have an itch right in the middle of feeding.
So tonight they didn't get their night bottle. Talking about feeling guilty!

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