ATTN: Yokohama Lovers!

Dood! How many eggs are in that nest?!?!?! Let her do her thing! She never showed interest in nesting other than laying in the nest... she has never had her own nest....
PM me champs! Im sure we can work something out! Lol
I have my Sumatra hen in the pen with the trio so ill let you know what those chicks look like!
I have benn pulling eggs every day, but she got up, guess i just caught her in lay time. She is my afternoon layer i found out. But she pupin out eggs like she thinks she is a leghorn!
I don't have an SOP book handy but the stag is from Sirbirdoholic and is a good looking boy! And the hens are out of german stock from a 2002 import! Any eggs or chicks that come from them will have the correct comb legs and tail length... shoot me a msg and we will chat about them for a few days.... lol

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