ATTN: Yokohama Lovers!

when it gets fat it fill up
but when it loose weight it shows the crooked breast.

when it gets fat it fill up
but when it loose weight it shows the crooked breast.

beautiful you sell any young ones from him??

im only keep one hen and one rooster,
since they are just for ornamental purpose and really poor layers I dont hatch chicks so often but youll know whenever I get some chicks
im use to post on the texas forum ,all that is going on my backyard.
if I hatch some ill post pictures here too.
thank for comment the pictures
Hi everyone,

I just hatched out some Yokohama's yesterday along with some other breeds. We have quiet an assortment right now.. We hatched OEGB's, Phoenixes, and Yokohama's, and two Polish. It was so easy to tell them all apart when they were in the little egg with the name written on top... Now not so much! I am really hoping to get at least one roo, and hen out of the deal. They are White Yokohama's. I wanted to know if anyone has pictures of their Yokohama chicks. Can you tell me if they start getting tail feathers quicker than other breeds. What can you tell me about their development when they are young? I am really tickled about these guys. My sister wanted Yokohama's forever then she moved away from where she can have them, and now I got them.. YES For the first time I bested the big sister
Ok there was my moment of childishness.. LOL

Thanks for all the information in advance,
I have raised whites & reds from chicks and the whites tails definatley seemed to grow me!!
LOL I am looking for baby pictures to post.

Here is one who passed away recently, he had great color! and a few others. I'm no expert though, just a yokaholic.
Tomorrow I will take some new pictures! They have grown! I also got some birds from Sir Birdaholic, and BanjoJoe





I also got some YOKIES from Ongadori, Sir Birdaholic, and BanjoJoe....I'll post pictures of them too!
I love these birds
i have 3 pair now
one of the roosters jumps on me back or pulls my hat off when i go into the aviary
he attacks me legs as i walk around the garden make my day

I cant believe how hard they kick
one of the pair i call him boxer as he loves to fight with me
i put my hand near him and away he goes but christ it hurts so much character these birds
Got an updated picture of one of my whites today. I had cut his tail completely off for breeding last year but he's got it back!


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