ATTN: Yokohama Lovers!

I have a slightly ridiculous question for all of you: I have a yoko rooster whose been dragging his tail through the mud all spring. He looks horrendous. Do any of you ever have to wash your birds? It just won't stop raining around here and he's just getting muddier and muddier. Thoughts?

The coop is dry, but the run isn't, and he has to cross a muddy area around the run door in order to get out and free range on the grass.
Hi, I only get mine out once in a while. The most important thing for long tailed birds is to stay dry and clean. Mud can cause the feathers to be brittle and break and also too much exposure to the sun can do the same. You can wash them if you want it would help to get the mud off as quickly as possible before it dries on. It would be best to keep him in on bad days.. Hope that helps you some!
You can bathe them. Mine seems to enjoy being washed. They have a bluing shampoo for white horses and I use that on him. Helps to whiten the feathers up. They are more than likely stained. The best way as tanders pointed out is to avoid the muddy situation. Put sand in the run or something if he must go through there. Chances are also if he has other birds with him that they walk on his tail.
Thanks for the reply. The straw I threw down into the pen isn't helping either! We are redoing the entire run area with sand this week, so it's good to know that will help. I'll check out the shampoo in the meantime. He's a mess. Thanks for the help!
I just posted on that thread...
I would appreciate feedback on her. here are additional photos- i am unsure if her comb is correct?



Also my WHITE male has a dark streak in his beak -is this DQ? Any comments on his potential?




we are needing to downsize now that birds are old enough to be evaluated -so this is a time sensitive issue. we
I think you have to be patient with long tails. Many of them take at least 8 to 10 months to see how they feather out. Feather wise I think your birds look pretty good right now. If I were to pick on anything it would be the roosters beak and also white ear lobes is a problem in Yokohamas but a lot of them I have seen have them so it could be selected away from if they turn out to be good birds other wise but long tails do take time.. Hope that helps!

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