**AUCTION** B/B/S (mostly) English Orpington chicks


9 Years
Feb 1, 2010
AUCTION ENDS Monday, July 21 @ 9PM EST.​

AUCTION DETAILS: Bids start at $5 PER CHICK, and increase by $0.50 with each bid. Please bid directly in response to this ad. If two people bid the same amount, the earlier bid takes precedence. You will receive 10 chicks (hatched on Sunday!!!). Shipping + box = $45. Payment will be requested immediatly. This shipment will go out July 22.

These babies are beauties - round and fluffy - and turn into beautiful adults. Most of the birds will be pure English (about 3/4 of them) - the others will be at least 50% English (I've done the math - but don't ask me to duplicate it!). Makes for a great addition to your flock, if you're looking for English body type and size but prefer the fertility and laying ability of birds with some American bloodlines mixed in. Everyone who buys the eggs loves the babies they get from them!

The link to my ad with photos of the parent stock is below. The photos with this ad show some of this year's babies.

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They will be day-olds. The backup shipping date is set in case I don't get enough day-olds in the first week. If I have to go for the backup shipping date, payment won't be due until the Sunday before shipment (the 15th).
They will be day-olds. The backup shipping date is set in case I don't get enough day-olds in the first week. If I have to go for the backup shipping date, payment won't be due until the Sunday before shipment (the 15th).
Please note - this is a new auction, so the above doesn't apply (other than the day-olds part).
I realize this closed an hour ago, but it looks like nobody bid. I am willing to bid $5 now and pay right away. Looks like shipping weather is good right now.


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