AudriAnna's Americauna's

Well out of 8 Easter Eggers I have 3 definite Roosters. I would serve them up for dinner but the wife is adamant that if she sees a critter alive she won't eat it. So now I have to hopefully find a new home for 2 of these guys. It's also looking like 3 of the 6 Black Australorps I have are also Roosters. Frustrating time of the year to try and get rid of chickens especially roosters. Hoping I can find someone to trade or buy them for about $5 apiece. I've advertised locally online but so far not even a nibble. May gift one to one of the wife's friends who has a little girl. LOL nothing like giving critters to kids to make the parents mad at ya.
I'm really sorry you are having such a hard time.... The roosters I mean! I wish I could take one or two, but it's the same story as everyone else.
(I just don't need roosters) Honestly building this flock of hens makes me not want to eat chicken anymore. Go figure?

First day outside for the Easter Egger's Naturally they don't want anything to do with that loud mouth black dog trying to get them to come out to play. They seem content to stay inside the coop for now. Hoping they get out in the run for at least a little while. Pretty definite I have 3 EE roosters. Will need to hopefully trade those. Got to really check out the Black Australorps and looking like we have 2 roosters there. They aren't happy being separated from the EE's today.
Things to do are to build a much more secure coop for the Chickens, Trade, sell, or give away the extra roosters, Sneak in some ISA brown pullets when the wife isn't looking.
Find a reputable breeder of Americauna's relatively close to Maine and order some eggs after I find a good small batch incubator to try and hatch some REAL Americauna's. Since that was the type of birds I wanted to raise with AudriAnna to begin with.
Not to mention really need to do something about the wild turkeys I have in the back yard. Probably 20 or more in yard. 2 Tom's as well. I really like looking at them. Just not a fan of having the back yard full of turkey poop. Along with the fact they could spread diseases to my chickens.
Well the chicken's are adapting to the outdoors. First night out I had to go outside and pick the silly things up and put in the actual coop. Silly things stayed inside almost all day then come outside to sleep.
Second night they went inside on their own.
Gigi my 6 years old Shitzue won't give them any piece. Runs right to the coop wagging her tail. Then grumbles they won't come out to play. Pepere' my wife's Irish Wolfhound just gives the coop a glance and ignores them.
Still trying to get rid of the extra roosters. I really want some true Americauna chicks or Welsummers or Marans. Money is way to tight with AudriAnna only 3 months old. Oh well guess there is always next year.
Will be asking for an incubator for Christmas this year.
Chicks are getting wet today if they're outside.
I'm sure Drama my reddish brown and grey pullet is making a fuss about it.
Oh the drama! Those chickens of yours kinda have things a little backwards don't they? The appropriate schedule should be outside during the day and cooped for sleep at night! But well......... They are chickens, trust me I get a lot of drama too. They really are fun to have! especially those fuzzhead Polish

Leia AKA Drama






Group photo

Well eighth week starts Tuesday for these guys and girls. They're doing great outside now. Finally gave 7 of the 8 their names. Still want to figure out the first ones sex. Comb screams roo until you notice how pale it is. Then the tail feathers and how it moves around like a hen does. I do want to find a home for Jules since I also have the 6 Australorps growing up and headed out to the coop in a few weeks. Think I have 3 roosters in that group that I will need to get rid of at least 2. Hoping to find someone to take the possible 4 roosters. Would be nice if they had some pullets they wanted to get rid of. LOL I might as well dream big.
I decided to name the Pullets after some of my favorite Female Science Fiction characters. Goes right along with my cat named Arya. I named the 2 known males after some of my early favorite Science Fiction writers. Robert Heinlein and Jules Vern. Although Jules will hopefully find a new home.
Their really starting to develop some personality. Leia/ Drama has always had way too much personality. Screams bloody murder when picked up yet calms down and has started coming close to the door when I come up too it. Lessa has always tried to sit higher up than everyone else and is usually super calm. Esmay and Uhura are the brave ones. as they were the first to come out of the coop when moved outside. Heinlein is starting to stand in front of the hens to shield them while Jules and mystery chick both hide among the hens.
AudriAnna is about to turn 3 months and for right now isn't really interested in the Chickens. She'll be able to g row up with at least chickens around and hoping that naming them after strong female characters fictional or not is helpful since I can tell her stories about them all.

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